Chapter Eleven - Concealed

Start from the beginning

She shifted until she was kneeling right beside him. Tentatively, she reached out, taking one of his hands in hers.

Elation shot through her when he didn't pull away.

"Tell me she's okay Cale... tell me we're going to find her and bring her home..." Tears were shimmering in her green orbs now and her voice sounded breathless, like she was in pain.

Cale's gaze flickered to her - and she could see the same agony reflected in his eyes.

He stayed quiet - there was nothing he could say.

The silence between them swelled.

Then, Faye mashed her lips against his before even she had time to register what her body was doing, what it was thinking.

Her heart thumped in her throat as her fingers dropped his hand, heading for his neck - but she didn't get there in time. 

He was already tearing himself from her, stumbling off the bed, golden orbs flashing as he reached up with the back of his hand, wiping his lips free of her saliva, leaving her on the bed, large chest heaving, green eyes wild with fervent passion and pained confusion. 

"I... I don't understand..." Faye's fingers gripped at the rough fabric of her sheets as she watched Cale straighten up, watched his expression go blank - blocking out everything and everyone... including her. 

Gone was the pain that had echoed in his eyes, reflected from hers. Now, all she could see was an attractive, seasoned Hunter who was as untouchable and as unapproachable and as dangerous as the things they hunted. 

"You're confused." Cale's voice was firm, slow, as he spoke to her, golden eyes as hard as stone. "You're confused and you're upset. And you don't want this." 

"I -" Faye began, stumbling over her words, red-hot tears of embarrassment racing down her face - it wasn't as though she'd never kissed him before, wasn't as though it was some disturbingly foreign concept for the two of them... sure, maybe it hadn't meant much to Cale and maybe he'd been doing it only because she'd begged him one night when Jamie hadn't been home to teach her how to kiss, but in light of all that had happened... she'd thought...

She'd thought that maybe...

Maybe things would be different. 

"No, Falyla." Cale's tone was lethal and Faye felt the sting from the use of her full name - he never used her full name. 

Or at least, he never used to.

"This can't happen. This won't happen. I don't want it to." Cale's voice was so emotionless that it hurt almost as much as the words he was saying. 

Faye couldn't speak - she could hardly catch her breath. All she could think about was the cold look in Cale's eyes as he spoke.

Then he sighed, looking away from her, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration before turning to stare at her again. 

"Breakfast is almost done." He repeated.

Then, he turned on his heel and left Faye sitting on her bed.

After a moment's pause, she followed him.

He could hear her padded footsteps behind him, but he didn't turn to look. 

Of course - of course all she would think about was painting her lips against his. Of course the last thing on her mind was simple comforting that involved no bodily fluids being exchanged. Of course Faye would assume he wanted to make-out when Jamie was God-knows-where having God-knows-what done to her. 

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