|day 8

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I wake up and notice I'm in the shag pad with Aaron. I snuggle into his chest and accidentally wake him. "Morning!" I shout playfully in his ear.

"Uh it's you." He says messing. I pretend to be hurt and jump out of the bed showing him a heart with my hands and then it breaking. He laughs and rushes up after me. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen, Aaron right behind me.

"Aw there's the happy couple." Nathan smiles. I smile at Aaron who is still trying to catch me, but Im too quick for that kid.

I jump on the sofa beside Marnie and Chantelle. Aaron sits across me and gives me a glare which makes me laugh.

"What will we do today? I'm sick of sitting around all day." Gaz says and as he does, the phone rings. "I'll get it!" Chloe says running to the phone box.

We sit in silence for a bit waiting to see what Anna says. Finally Chloe walks out of the booth. "We can have a houseeeee partayy!!" She shouts. We all shout in excitement. Hopefully this one is successful, unlike the last one.

"What should the theme be?" Char asks. We all think for a bit. "Hollywood glam?" Marty suggests. We all agree on that. "Right how about me, Nathan and Chantelle head out and get the outfits." Marnie says. "Well set up the house then." Holly says.

"Ava wanna come get some props with me?" Chloe asks. I nod and we all get ready to go do what we have to do.

Me and Chloe get into my car, I'm driving.

We pull up by some shop which has all this glitzy stuff. We walk in and are amazed. This stuff will definitely make the house look unreal.

After that we still have loads of time so we go to a few shops, buy a few things. We go into Victoria's Secret and Chloe goes crazy. It's as if she's never been in this shop before. "You'd look sooo sexy in this and Aaron would love it!!" She says picking up some white lingerie. "Go on try it on!"

I take it from her and go to try it on. I'm not gonna lie I look mint. I walk out and show Chloe. "Woah woah woah you look sexayyy!" She says making some girls boyfriend stare. He smirks at me and I blush. I've never really been confident with my body. I'd always be bullied for being 'too fat', it's only recently I lost loads of weight, and then all of a sudden I felt accepted.

"I'll buy it," I say going back and putting on my normal clothes.

We then go into a few more shops before going into a cafe for some tea. We sit at a nice table and order. "So do you like really fancy Marty?" I ask her. "Well yeah, but I'm afraid. He tells me he fancies us but I don't know wether I can trust him or not. It's all because of Scott. He fucked us up. I don't know how long it will take me before I can trust a lad again." She explains.

"Trust me. Marty does really fancy you. He tells me that he tries with you, but you just throw it back in his face all the time. You need to learn to trust him. He doesn't want to hurt you." I say. "What if he does. What if it happens again. Scott all over again. Why can't I just be accepted by the boys, they always pie us. Never want to be with us, you Ava you can have any boy you like. They basically line up to get with you. Your perfect,"

"Chloe I am far from perfect, and you don't need a guy to be happy. Don't try force relationships. They will come when the time is right and it will be the right person too. Take my advice, get with Marty." I say. "Okay." She smiles and I smile back.

After we get our drinks and that we decide to head home to set up for the house party. We walk out of the cafe and it's gotten really windy. It's also lashing. We have to walk against it all which is even worse. Me and Chloe start running back to the car. After what feels like forever we finally get back to it. I start up the car and start driving home.

"There should be some towels back there." I tell Chloe. She reaches to get them but can't. "Here I'll do it." I say reaching behind and trying to get them. I finally grab hold of them. "AVA WATCH OUT!" I hear Chloe shout. But that's all I can remember. After that, it was all blurry.

Back at the house.
Aaron's POV.

It's been real long since Chloe and Ava left. Everything's almost set up and we're all dressed. A few guests have even started arriving.

I try just forget about it and not worry too much. They're probably gone shopping or something and didn't realise what time it was. I look out the front door as I welcome In a few guests. The weathers horrible. It's super windy, the rains real strong too.

I feel a buzz from my pocket. It's a text from Anna. Fuck. It reads, "please make your way to St. Stephens hospital, only bring Marty. Be there quick please. And drive carefully."

Shit. I run over to Marty and show him the text. We run out and jump into my car not telling anyone where or why we've left.

We finally arrive at the hospital. Anna's outside waiting for us. "Hello boys." She says looking gloomy. "What happened. Where's Ava," I ask.

"As the girls were returning from they're shopping trip.. they crashed into a passing car." She explained. I can't believe this. "If anything happens to Ava I swear I'll kill Chloe." I spat. "Why the fuck? What did she even do?" Marty steps up. "It was obviously Chloe driving if they crashed. She's failed her drivers test 10 fucking times." I shout.

"BOYS!" Anna shouts. "You can go see them if you like."

We both nod. "Room 87 Floor 3. And please do be quiet!" Anna says before we walk in.

Weren't expecting that Hm!! Well there's an even bigger shock in the next chapter. Aw Buzzin x

'Just Friends' / Geordie Shore Where stories live. Discover now