|day 4

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I'm afraid of Chantelle finding out about me and Aaron's date. I call Chloe and decide to tell her about it first.

"So me and Aaron are going on a date.." I say.

"Omg!! Go on you mad radgie." She squeals jumping up and down. I laugh and we both head back up to the girls.

Chantelle isn't in the room so I might as well tell the rest.

But unfortunately Chloe beat me to it.

"Aaron and Ava are going on a date!" She shouts as she walks in.

"O my god!'' Holly says. They all look shocked. "Is he not with chantelle??" Marnie asks,

"I thought that too but he said he was just using her to make me jealous, cos he thought I was with Scott." I explain.

"She said she really likes him." Marnie continues. "Well I'm fucked," I laugh causing the other girls to laugh too.

Gary walks in with a bouquet of white roses. "Ava, for you" he says laying them on my bed.

"Oh my god who's this from." I say as Gary walks back out. We all run over to my bed. I read the note attached to the flowers.

"I'll pick you up at 7.30, dress nice baby. Aaron x" it reads. I can't help but smile.

"Where do you think he'll take you?" Chloe asks. I shrug my shoulders. "He'll probably bring you to get a tattoo" Marnie laughs. "He brings all his girls there."

"What do I wear??" I ask the girls rummaging through my suitcase to find a dress.

"I have something I think you might like." Marnie says getting up to go to her suitcase. She pulls out a bright red bodycon dress, and hands it to me.

I get up and try it on. I'm not gonna lie I look pretty fit. I throw on a pair of white heels and go to my hair. I just straightened it.

"Oh my god let me do your makeup!" Holly squeals. "Sure," I chuckle.

After Holly finishes I look at myself in the mirror. "Woah," they all say.

I check the time, it's 7:32. "Shit." I say before grabbing my clutch and running downstairs, where I see Aaron sitting on the sofa with the boys.

He looks unreal. As I walk down the stairs they all stare up at me. Aaron's jaw drops. All the girls stand at the top of the stairs looking down at the boys.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs Aaron stands up to greet me. "Hey," I say.

"You look, woah." He says causing me to blush.

"Should have asked you out before him, fuck ." Scott says looking at my arse.

I chuckle and me and Aaron head out the door. "Have fun you two!" They shout.

"You look beautiful." He says as he opens the door of his car for me to get in. "Thank you, you look great too." I smile.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

He simply just smirks at me without telling me.


We finally pull up at a restaurant that looks very fancy.

He opens the door for me and helps me out of the car. "Thank you." I smile causing him to smile back. As I walk by he smacks my ass.

We walk in and this place looks so expensive.

We sit at a table by a big window. I look out and the view is amazing.

"Aaron this is amazing." I say holding his hand. "You deserve the best." He smiles.


My date with Aaron was amazing. We really got to know a lot about each other and it turns out we have loads in common. After dinner he took me to the beach where we watched the stars while cuddling.

We got in the taxi and decided to head home instead of going out with the others.

"Thank you Aaron. This date was amazing." I say resting my head on his shoulder.

"Ava, can I ask you something?" He asks. I sit up to face him. Is he gonna ask me to be his girlfriend?

"Do you have any feelings for Scott?" Ehh? "No? Why would i?" I ask.

"No reason I'm just wondering." He says. Fuck sake this just got a bit awkward now.

"I'm sorry." He says. "It's fine," I laugh.

We pull up outside the house and we both jump out of the taxi. "I have an idea." I smirk at him taking his hand and heading towards the shag pad.

Aaron grins and follows behind me.

We get in and close the door, then stand in front of Aaron. I can feel his soft lips against mine.

The kiss quickly turns into a heated make out session. He leaves a trail of kisses all down my neck. He then gently starts slipping down my dress. I unbutton his shirt, looking down at his chiselled abs.

I am left in only my underwear. He's in his boxers. He picked me up and placed me on the bed, not breaking the kiss.

I feel him pulling down my panties with his teeth. He began giving me a lick out. "Fuck." I moan curling my toes.

Oh he was good.

He then added a finger or two and begin fingering me. I came and he licked his fingers clean before coming back up to me, we start necking on and then I fall asleep in his arms.


Haha I'm sorry I'm not good with graphic scenes😂😂 hope you's enjoyed! More soon.

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