Sonny Carisi: I'm Yours

Start from the beginning

But, of course, it can't be. Sonny finds himself back at his desk, drinking a coffee half'd with a Monster, and he's getting ready to interrogate. Why Mike had suggested him, he'd never know.
(Of course, he knows. It's because of the way his jeans feel too loose in the crotch now.)
And he was going in alone. Challenging the alpha male with his own snark, his own wit. Sonny wonders why they didn't send Mike in. He isn't an alpha male but, well, he has to shake the next thought from his head.

Maybe they just didn't want to do the work and Sonny was their go to man to pawn things off on. Nobody really likes him, anyways, not after they started seeing him as Amaro's replacement. Sonny finishes the cocktail he created that is surely going to give him a heart attack before he passes the bar and stands, fixing his tie, ready to interrogate.
You're standing behind the glass in your usual work attire. Your form is still burned into the back of his mind, though, and he completely ignores you as he steps into the interrogation room.
The man, Sonny barely remembered his name as Alex, looks up. "Shucks, where's that pretty lil' thing from the club?"
Sonny doesn't answer, leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets. "You were easy to catch," He says nonchalantly, "Easy to bait, easy to arrest. You'll be easy at trial, too." Sonny forces his face into a sickening grin, "Easy in prison, I bet."
The man lunges for Sonny, but he's shackled to the desk. Sonny strolls until he's just out of Alex's reach. He grins down at Alex and Sonny feels the sadistic urge to make the man hurt build up in him. But he shakes it off. He doesn't need another reason for the squad to dislike him, nor does his character need to change because of a school boy crush on a coworker in sex crimes. He promised himself he would remain true.
Suddenly, looking down at Alex, Sonny thinks about asking Barba if he can work at the DA's office if he passes the bar. But he just speaks again, "That get you, huh?" His voice is cold. He doesn't recognize it.
He's too tired and he shouldn't be interrogating but he is. Sonny wishes you would pull him out, so he could go home, sleep. But you don't and he keeps talking, "I could tell you all about what they're gonna do to you in there. But that's no fun. How 'bout you tell me what you did to those girls, aeh?" Sonny finally takes a seat, templing his hands in front of him.
Alex grins and Sonny feels the anger burn cold in his gut. He's not looking at Sonny- but behind him. At the glass where you're on the other side watching. "I could tell you what I did to them- if I did anything. Or I could tell you what I was going to do to that pretty lil' detective you sent in undercover to woo me."
Sonny reaches forward and twists a hand in Alex's shirt, "You shut your mouth," He growls, "And just tell us what you fuckin' did. We know anyway, you scumbag."
Alex grins, like he knows he's hit a weak point with Sonny. Sonny's hands just twist the fabric closer to Alex's neck as he realizes the same thing. He doesn't back down, though, waiting for a confession.
"I was gonna shove my cock between her pretty lil'-" Sonny is sure he knows where the story is going, but the anger in his stomach overflows and suddenly his whole body is cold. He's feeling jealous, angry, unsure. He's feeling a lot of things, including his knuckles splitting as he cracks Alex across the face harshly.

He wants to keep going, but you're dragging him out of the room while Alex laughs. Barba is there, and so is Mike. They both slip into the room but Sonny doesn't see what's happening because you push him into a closet and shut the door.
He rounds on you, "What do you think you're doin'?" He spits, glaring at you with animosity and hurt in his eyes. He's unable to place why he's so angry but you place it in a second. You grab his tie and kiss him.
Sonny pushes back with just as much force, hands fisting in the material that covers your hips and he feels the slow burn of tears in the back of his throat. He pushes you back and groans into your mouth. "I'm sorry," He mumbles, breaking away from you. For a minute Sonny just stares at you and then he dips to kiss your neck as you shake your head and hook a leg over his hip.
"Don't be sorry, just take it out on me. I want you, Dominick." You breathe, and his hips jump forward and he groans. He sucks a hickey in your neck and you push him back by his shoulders. He hesitates but he can see your eyes dilating so he dips back down and captures your lips with his.

Sonny is frantic and you're all he can think about as he slides a hand up your shirt, gasping for breath. He cups your breasts and you moan, grinding against him as you become just as desperate as him.
He rocks against you and suddenly your shirt is off. Sonny takes a second to breath, to calm down, but he can't because you're so beautiful to him. "I've been thinking about this forever," He breathes, bending to kiss where your breasts met your bra. You sighed and he sucked a hickey, there, too.

He feels like he's floating and burning up at the same time so he backs off, peeling his dress shirt off and his tie in one smooth motion. Sonny shivers when you drop to your knees and take your shirt off, kissing the smooth, firm expanse of his stomach.
He tosses his head back and starts praying because he's sure that the rapture is coming when you unbuckle his pants and pull them down, groaning when you see how tight his dark black, skin tight boxers really are underneath the slacks.
Sonny really thinks he's being raptured when you mouth him over the thin fabric. He wonders if he died in the raid and he's being rewarded for being a good Catholic boy his whole life. But then you pull down his boxers and slide your mouth around him in barely a second and Sonny is alive.
"Shit," The cursing must put the good Catholic boy thing on hold, but Sonny doesn't care as he grasps the shelves behind you and tosses his head back. Your hands grasp his ass and he bites his lip before he can completely lose it. "Fuck, unless this is all you want to do then you better stop," Sonny can barely gasp it out but he does.
And you stop.
And you stand.
But you don't let him disrobe you anymore.
You watch his flushed face and giggle when the shelf shakes as his arms tremble as you grasp him in your hand. Sonny's thinking that he's blessed, he's wondering what he's done to deserve this. You pump him slowly and then his head drops to your shoulder.
"Uh uh, big boy," You rasp, "Look at me. I want you to look at me. I want to see your face and hear you say I'm yours." Sonny can barely pick up his head as his hips thrust forward. He almost comes at the tone in your voice.
"Shit," He gasps, eyes locked onto yours, "What're yah doin' to me?" He's tongue tied but your hand is so good against him and with three more slow, tight pumps he's there.
His eyes close and his head falls back.
Your name replaces the nightly prayer he says.
His voice leaves him as you suck a dark purple hickey into the front of his neck.
"That's right, you're mine."
"I'm yours," He cries, "Yours, only yours!"

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