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Lexie maneuvered around the hospital in an old silver wheelchair she was allowed to use. The chief allowed her to work today, but nothing major like surgery.

She noticed Mark leaving a patient's room and wheeled over to him.
"Hey, Mark!" She said, smiling.
"Do you remember me?" Mark asked, grinning.
"No, I just remembered your name from yesterday." She said, chuckling.
"Oh.." Mark said with a frown.
"Mark, my arms are getting tired, can you push me around?" She asked with a grunt, now looking back at him.
Mark smiled and nodded.
Mark pushed Lexie over to one of the tables. He saw Meredith sitting there, so he brought Lexie over to the table. "I'll leave you two alone.." Mark said and went off to grab his lunch.

"How are you feeling, Lex?" Meredith asked, taking a bite of her tuna sandwich.
Lexie shrugged. "A bit better,I guess" she said with a sigh. "I'm still really sore, it hurts every time I move"

"You'll get better. Have you been able to do anything at work?" Meredith asked, taking another bite of her tuna sandwich.
"Not much, but I'm able to check on patients or hook up an IV. It's better than laying around in a hospital bed." Lexie said

"Uh, Meredith?" Lexie asked.
"What?" Meredith asked, putting down her sandwich.

"Do you.. do you know who he was to me?" Lexie asked. She pointed at Mark, who was still in the long lunch line, talking to Owen Hunt. Meredith sat in silence, looking down.
"Well?" Lexie asked. "Tell me?"

"Lexie.. you guys were basically star-crossed lovers. He was with Julia but you loved him. And he loved you. He broke up with Julia for you, but now you don't remember him." Meredith said quietly and quickly, Mark was coming over.

Meredith stood up and picked up her plate as Mark sat down beside Lexie.
"I'm going to go, Derek wanted to talk to me." She said as an excuse to leave the two.

As Meredith was leaving the lunchroom she looked over at Mark and Lexie, who were laughing and smiling.
"What if she never gets her memory back?" She asked herself.

Meredith walked past Alex and Cristina, who followed shortly behind her. She saw Derek in the break room and went inside, frowning slightly.
"Will Lexie ever get her memory back?" She blurted out.

"There's a chance she will but she c—" Derek said, being cut of by Meredith.
"Will she or will she not? She just asked me who Mark was to her. I can't do this, Derek." She said, hugging Derek.

"Most cases I've seen like this end up getting their memory back. But so much can go wrong." Derek said.

"I just hope she'll be okay" she said with a sigh.
Lexie got Mark to wheel her into a patients room. "How are you feeling, Lena?" She asked her patient. Lena looked about ten years old. She forgot why Lena as there and how old she actually was. Cristina had told her she got surgery on her back, so she was most likely here because of her back.
"A bit better" she spoke hoarsely.

"I brought you lunch" Lexie said with a small smile.
"Thank you" Lena said , grinning. She took the tray from Lexie and began to eat her lunch.

Mark's pager went off and Lexie told him to go, she'll be okay. Mark quickly left the room.
"Lena, I need to go check on some more patients." She said, and Lena nodded.

Lexie wheeled herself out of the door and down the hall to a patient's room.

The patient was a woman who's name was not know, so they called her Lucy. Lucy has a severe brain bleed and several broken bones.
"Lucy?" Lexie asked, wheeling herself to the bed when Lucy didn't respond. Lexie checked her pulse and discovered there was none. She wasn't able to help due to being in a wheelchair. She called a nurse, who pronounced her dead.

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