october 6th

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october 6th 2016


dear joshua,

ever thought about death ?

like. the idea of it.
ever wonder what is after death? what lies beyond the end? because i do.

and not that i'm suicidal. but sadness does this to you, i've noticed.

all i think about is death and sadness.

and how sadness can lead you to death.

i've wondered ...

is death a beautiful lie?
or a painful truth?

do people sugarcoat it to make us believe that something greater than life is at the end? think about christians. like you.

if you believe that god is waiting for you after death than why don't you all die and join him.

i guess i'm salty about it bc i hate u.

but at the same time i love you.

from ebony.


ok so once upon a time in english i was told to make a poem about death. well i lie bc everyone had to choose to do one about cheese and cats. i chose death .-.

my teacher was surprised and recited it to the class, asking them to interpret my poem.

so it goes;


a beautiful lie
or a painful truth
the beginning of something better
or the end of something good.

death is a permanent fixation
to a temporary problem
it is a plague that is feared
and it takes live spontaneously
as much as it wants.

it is a painful truth
and it waits for you
from the moment of your birth.

& i guess i aced english with my poetry lmao.

let me know your thoughts on everything in this chap.

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