Chapter 6: Bodyguard

Start from the beginning

Some people had came up to me and said things like: "I never thought I'd see anyone reject Ashton Slade.", "Lay off of him bitch, he's mine.", "You rejected a once in a lifetime thing. Why would you do that?", "You are so lucky Riley, you could've been his first girlfriend. It's obvious he has a crush on you."

I did not comment on what any of them said. Although, the last one did make me think. First girlfriend... Does that mean he... Wow. He does not look like the one night stand kind of guy. But, looks can be deceiving. I think he just wanted to make me think he has a crush on me so he can sleep with me. I bet Erin is his usual bed warmer. Thinking of Erin touching him gets my blood boiling with jealousy.

I walked to the cafeteria and opened the doors. Once my presence was noticed, all the conversations stopped. Everyone was staring at me as I shifted uncomfortably.

I heard a chair being pulled back and footsteps walking in my direction. Ashton grabbed my arm tightly, but not too tight to hurt me, "Come on Riley, I have to ask you something." He tugged on my arm.

"Wh-what? No! Didn't I say to leave me alone? Let go of me!" I struggled against his hold, but he kept a firm grip on me.

"If you don't stop struggling, I'll throw you over my back." He threatened. I continued struggling.

Suddenly, strong hands held my waist and lifted me over Ashton's shoulders. I let out a startled shriek and hit his back, but he brushed me off like I was just an irritating itch. He push open the cafeteria doors and walked down the hallway, ignoring my cries of protest.

Finally, a light bulb went off in my head. I smiled evilly and call over his shoulder, "Ashton?'


"I have to pee."

"Uh huh."

"No, I'm serious, I have to pee. Or I'll have to pee on you."

He sighed and set me down, giving me a gentle push at the small of my back, he said, "Go pee. I'll be waiting here."

I walked around the corner, making sure he wasn't following me, then sprinting away. He must've heard my shoes smack the floor, because the next thing I know, he was chasing me around school.

I began laughing because of how much fun I was having in so many years. Ashton wasn't trying to catch me, I could tell he was jogging slowly. It was like he could do this forever. But being the out of shape human I am, I had to stop to catch my breath. Ashton slowed to a stop beside me, not breathing hard, but normally. It was like he never ran around the school! He must be really fit.

"You done running?" Ashton asked, amused at my labored breathing.

"I think so." I gasped.

"Come on, let's go outside." He took my hand and gave it a tug. I obediently walked beside him, noticing that he has not let my hand go. Not that I'm complaining.

We walked out the front doors, still holding hands. We walked in comfortable silence until I decided to break it.

"So... What did you want to ask me?" I questioned nervously, my fingers fidgeting at my sides.

"... Why can't we be friends?" Ashton said, looking down at me. Remembering the reason, I yanked my hand out of his grasp, ignoring the cold feeling and took a step away from him. He looked at me strangely and took a step towards me, and I took a step back. A flash of hurt crossed his eyes before it was gone.

I desperately looked for an escape route but found nothing I can run to except the forest. "I just don't have time for friends or relationships. My life is really complicated and I don't want you to be tangled in it." I said softly.

A sudden flash was caught at the corner of my eye. I turned to it and saw a man. He is tall and has blonde hair. I wasn't close enough to see his facial features but from what I could tell, he was about 17. He raised a hand and gestured for me to come to him. My eyes furrowed. Who is he?

I looked at Ashton who was looking at the ground with a frustrated look on his face, "Look, I'll see you around. Now I have to go see something." I patted his arm and jogged to the forest. Where the boy was still standing with a frown on his face.

When I looked back, I saw Ashton looking at me, then at boy and hesitantly walked away.

I turned to Blondie, "Who're you?"

His green eyes looked at me in surprise, "Excuse me?"

I raised my eyebrows at him and repeated, "Who are you?"

He smirked, "I am Justin, your spy."

I tilted my head to the side, "Like the guy who keeps my father updated with what I do?"

"Precisely", Justin said proudly.

Now I'm really confused, "If you're my spy, what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be spying on me, not talking to me?"

Justin thought about it for a while, "Yes. But your father just called me and said something about a change of plans. Now I'm your personal bodyguard."

My jaw dropped, "What?"

Justin groaned, tired, "Your father called me an-"

"I heard what you said the first time, Blondie. But what do you mean 'personal bodyguard'?" I snapped.

"I have a name you know", he mumbled. " I mean, I will be attending your school to keep you away from that boy or anyone else for that matter."

My mouth dropped open again. Justin will be following me everywhere! I looked at Justin, who was observing me, "... Okay. Does that mean you will also protect me?"

"If I have to, yes."

"This is creepy and awesome at the same time."

"Yes, yes it is quite awesome. But don't get in too much trouble, I won't be able to save you from your dad. So I'd be kind of like your elder brother number two! I've always wanted a younger sister..." Justin mumbled.

I had a feeling that I would really like Justin even though he is my spy, " So, when do you start school?"





Merry Christmas!

To: My readers

From: B00kster ^.^

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