Leaving the plane

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Part 6

Nialls P.O.V

Me and Victoria got back to our seats just talking about fame and music until Liam came back looking a bit tipsy. His words were slurred and he pushed past both me and Victoria and instantly fell asleep in his seat. Me and Victoria exchanged confused looks but shrugged it off and fell asleep our selves.

Liam P.O.V

After she stormed off I didn't now what to do. I felt so bad for judging her. I couldn't go back and apologise so I decided to get some shots. I took a few till I was fairly drunk. The bitch flight attendant came over and flirted with me and I flirted back. I don't know why though. After a while she left and a while after that I got tired. I am a mean drunk so I pushed past Niall and Victoria who had obviously both been crying. I say down and immediately feel asleep.


I woke up to find we were still on the stupid plane. I felt extremely tired and all the memories of earlier flooded back. I felt horrible. I took Victoria's hand and looked her straight in the eye " I'm so so sorry" that was all I managed to say. Are you serious Liam say something else make her beleive it! " I... I don't know what else to say.... I was a jerk and I shouldn't have judged you... I am so sorry! I.. I think I-I think I like you... I know we only just met but I just ugh there's something about you"

I waited for a reply but instead she cried. So I embraced her in a hug as best I could with the arm rest in between us. "I over reacted I'm sorry" is all she said

"No no don't be sorry I was a jerk, please forgive me"

"Ok" just then the flight attendant walked past and starred at us, I gave her the evils and Victoria noticed, she winked at me and before the flight attendant said anything I grabbed Victoria's face and kissed her again. The kiss was amazing! fireworks exploded in my stomach even more than last time we kissed. The flight attendant walked away and Victoria smirked showing off her dimples. We both talked and laughed for a few hours and we learnt more things about each others hobbies. We instantly clicked. The intercom thing on the plane clicked on and said we would be landing in 10 minutes. We got ready and we exited the plane together, me and vic (my nickname for her) held hands, i don't know why but it just felt right. We all got our luggage, vic had more than all of us because she was going to be here for a year or two. We got to crescent road and we all jumped out admiring the houses we were going to be staying in, the reason I said houses was because we are going to be having sleepovers every night at each others houses... Don't ask why we decided it in the car.

We went to our separate houses and changed into our swim gear. The house we were in was beautiful and ours had a basement with a spa and movie room but vics didn't so we decided most of the sleepovers would be in our house. I looked out the window to see vic running towards the water with a surfboard and a sexy purple bikini on. All the boys walked down to the water and we all sat and watched in awe and she lost herself in the art of surfing, it was magical to watch. When she came out we all clapped and I pulled her in for a hug to be greeted by freezing water as our bodies made contact. I pulled away and she blushed looking at the sand. We all noticed her scars which you could tell were deep. She looked down shyly then back at us. She ran up to the house and I just stood there for a while in shock of what had just happened, the boys and I exchanged worried glances and Niall spoke up "I didn't know there were so many!"

"Wait wait wait you knew she cut!? Did she say why!?" I thought I saw them earlier but I just didn't want to believe it.

"No she didn't and don't ask her she will get really pissed off I learnt that the hard way" he chuckled a bit before I ran up to Where Victoria was staying, I don't care if she got mad I just needed to know how I could help her. I got to the door and just as I was knocking I heard a muffled scream then a crash and this time a loud scream... It was Victoria

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