Waking up for Florida

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Part 2

3 days later

Victoria's P.O.V

I wake up and smile for the first time in a while. I smile because ill finally get to have a break from this hell hole in Perth. I'm going to Florida. I look at my clock and realise its only an hour and a half till my flight leaves.

I jump out of bed and change into some grey sweats and a white slightly see trough tank top showing off my tattoo, i don't even bother to take a shower. I apply my usual mascara and eyeliner an throw my hair in a bun. I run to the kitchen and grab an apple and sprint out the door with my bags and my shoes which I hadn't put on yet. I hail a cab and when I'm in I chuck on my shoes.

I arrive at the airport and run to the ticket counter and hand in the receipt for my online ticket. The lady lets me through and I quickly board the plane. I sit down in seat 153, dang I think to myself. I have to sit in between two strangers.

Liam's P.O.V

I am fast asleep when suddenly my door crashes open and an overly excited Niall jumps on top of me.

"Get up!" Niall yells

"Shut up or I will kick you where the sun don't shine" I groan

Niall fake gasps and threatens to hit me with spoons so i jump out of bed and I go downstairs to find all the boys with their bags packed waiting at the door. Shit I forgot we are going to Florida today!!! I run back upstairs and get changed not even bothering to take a shower. I run back down stairs and grab an apple and meet the boys outside with my bags I packed last night. We get in the limo and are driven off to the airport.

As we board the plane I see a beautiful yet familiar looking girl run past straight to the terminal where we are boarding she must've been late too.

We board the plane and I find I'm sitting on the window seat 154. I get to my row to find the girl i had seen from before. She already has her headphones in and has made herself comfortable in her seat. I say "hi" but she was obviously zoned out, well it's better than having a girl screaming in your face about how much she loves you. I look over to find Niall on the isle seat next to the mysterious girl.

I tap the girl on the shoulder and she snaps out of her thoughts and turns to face me but in that moment all I could see was her eyes.

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