Its a secret

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Part 5

Nialls P.O.V

I was asleep until I heard the faint noise of If you can't hang by sleeping with sirens.

I looked over to Victoria and she was sleeping with the music playing in her headphones. How could she sleep with music that loud! I look past her to find Liam isn't sitting where he should be. I wonder if this had something to do with the kiss from earlier, I have To admit it looked pretty meaningful. As Victoria was sleeping the bitch flight attendant strutted past pushing out her non existent boobs and stopped and looked at me twirling her hair. "Ew what the hell, I hate sleeping with sirens there music is so depressing ugh I prefer one directions music" she but her lip and winked at me but obviously noticed I was very uncomfortable so she crossed her arms and sighed " ugh look at her now at me do I look as mentally unstable as her, I used to have a friend who cut who ended up killing herself, I didn't go to her funeral cause suicide is a pathetic thing to do... Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go serve people some beverages" she flipped her hair and walked away. I looked at Victoria who was now wide awake eyeing out the bitch flight attendant. I looked at Victoria's wrists then to her face. She was beautiful but I know Liam likes her so I'm not going to go there. "Victoria?" She noticed my worried tone and changed the subject. "What's Ireland like" she questioned

" It's amazing! My family and friends live there so I don't get to see them mu-" I was cut off by her crying. I looked at the other boys and they looked at me worried. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close as she let everything out. I was about an hour until she stopped. She pulled away and looked at me through her puffy eyes and sighed.

Victoria's P.O.V

I cried and cried which I now hate myself for. I hate crying it makes me feel weak. It made me think of him. I pulled away and sighed " I'm sorry you have to see my like this I just ugh I hate crying"'he looked into my eyes for a brief moment before looking at my wrists and saying " I don't want to pressure you into telling me but I can tell you have secrets and I want to find them out.... You know opening up is the first part on the path to reco-" I cut him off " look Niall I don't open up that easy! The only people who know this are the police and doctors OK! Why would you think I would tell you!!! I don't give a flying fuck about anything anymore don't you see!! I'm sick of people seeing my scars and always looking at me with sympathetic smiles and telling me it's ok and that talking is the best way well guess what?! It isn't! Do you know how hard it is to just tell someone EVERYTHING your going through or gone through!!! I tried! But every time I say just a small part of my sad depressing story called a life they send me back where I came out of!!! Just leave me alone OK I don't need you're help!!!" I stood up and ran to the bathroom locking myself in and crying my eyes out! I looked in the mirror for a brief second before there was a loud knock on the door " Victoria! Please open up I'm sorry you don't have to tell me just come back please I really enjoy your company" it was Niall and I could almost feel his smile when he said those words. I reluctantly opened the door and hugged him, I felt I owed him an apology. We both stood there in each others arms apologising for our behaviour and shit like that before we headed back to our seats.

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