You are my everything

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Part 1

Victorias P.O.V

I am about to get in the shower when I stop myself right in front of the mirror, I turn to face it and I am horrified.

I see a girl with straight hair, too straight. Her face is to round, her skin is rough, her eyes are boring, her shoulders are too big, her stomach is disgustingly skinny, her arms are covered in scars along with her stomach and thighs. Not to mention her tally tattoos on her collar bone.

I slump my shoulders and sigh. How did I let myself become this. I used to be so happy! I was confident and comforted everyone when they were sad.

Why did I change then? Ill tell you why, because my best friend was killed right in front of me.

I get in the shower and just stand there emotionless not even bothering to wash my hair. I get out and dry myself off, I open my wardrobe and debate on what I should wear to school. I pick some black converse, black skinny jeans, a black top and hoodie. I apply black eyeliner and mascara. I lightly curl my hair to make it look naturally wavy. I take one last look at myself and head off to school.

I get to a school to find a note in my locker

To Victoria

I am aware that this is the last week of your high school year and I am delighted to tell you that you will be staying with me and Michael for the next year or two until you can get your life stored out. I will email you the flight details and accommodation later, oh by the way we live in Florida, I'm sure you'll love it here

From Aunt Linda xx

When I read it I screamed in excitement , getting strange looks from everyone in the halls.

As soon as I got to my flat I go straight to my laptop and log into my email, and to my surprise there is an email from my Aunt, in the email she explains that she has booked my flight tickets for Saturday and that ill be staying at her beach house.

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