The kiss

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Part 4

Liam's P.O.V

We get to the drinks bar and I order a drink when I notice out hands still intertwined and I awkwardly let go and she does the same. We both blush harshly and i realise I should probably explain what just happened

" so I know we just met and all but I would love to get to know you more so could I maybe have your number?" Ugh Liam your so stupid shell never give you her number shell be creeped out.

"Uh sure, can we talk about what just happened though" she sounded worried but hopeful. We exchanged phones and added our contacts.

"So uh well I don't like seeing people being um how do I put this um bullied so I thought of anything that could make it better... Sorry if it makes it awkward between us"

"No, no it doesn't I just th-" she mumbled the last part so I don't hear though I really wanted to but I decided to just drop it.

"I'm sorry about it..." we just stood there for a while awkwardly

"When we kissed though... I uhh... I liked it... I don't want it to sound weird cause we just met but I felt something in the kiss" ugh you stupid dildo why would you say that!!! You're so stupid, you just lose your chance! I thought to myself.

"Uhh you realise you said that aloud right??"


" shit sorry um well when the plane lands is anyone picking you up?" I changed the subject.

Victoria's P.O.V

Shit I hadn't thought about that!!

"Uhh no but ill just get a taxi-"he cut me off

" oh me and the boys can take you... If you want to that is... Where are you staying?"

"At my aunties beach house on 24 crescent road"

(A/n I don't know if that's a real place)

" oh cool wait you're staying on crescent road!?" He looked surprised at my answer

" yea why?"

" me and the boys are staying at 23 crescent road!!" He almost yelled

" wow that's so cool"

" yea it's right by the beach!"

" yea I love the beach" I said truthfully " I love surfing" which I do but I am always forced to wear bikinis at competitions which mean exposing my scars. Oh well I'm sure Liam wouldn't notice. I had zoned out when I noticed Liam staring at my arm looking confused and worried. I quickly pulled my arm away so he couldn't see but he already had.


"What do you mean?" I lied

"You know what I mean! Why would you do this to yourself! Your beautiful and funny and smart and ugh I just don't understand I mean your obviously rich cause crescent road is a rich people place!"

I was hurt when he thought I was rich

" I'm not rich its my aunties beach house! And you don't know my story so don't accuse me of anything! Plus you are always saying how you are the least attractive in the band!" I read that in a magazine, I want to stop but tears are brimming my eyes and I just need to get it out, I continue but don't cry. I haven't cried in years. I hate crying " you have no idea about me or how i feel so don't jump to conclusions OK!! You want know something else!? I also did it on my thighs and stomach! Does that make me weak! Does it make me weak because i force myself to focus on other types of pain instead if what really is hurting me!!"

He stands there shocked. He opens his mouth to talk but I don't wanna hear it! I run back to my seat and put my headphones in and put them of full volume blasting out if you can't hang by sleeping with sirens and I slowly start to drift off...

You are my everythingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon