16: The Reasons Why I Should Go

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 I went to the library to get a book. Plus, Lani was waiting outside. She told me that she couldn't go in because she got into a fight with an employee once (physical). Ever since then, she isn't allowed to go in.

 "I ask for a simple title for a simple book," Lani said. "And what does she tell me? 'We're out of the book'. I go, 'Ok, so can you order it? And she's like, 'Well, it'll take time so do you want me to check somewhere else?' I go, 'No, it's ok, I rather pick it up here and order it.' It could of been real simple but then she's like 'Gawish, you're such an lazy a** you know' and that's when I hit her. You don't go around telling people that."

 I nodded, pretending to agree with Lani. Lani could be telling the truth and all but I do think she exaggerates too much when it comes to her side of the story.

 "Ok, let's see," I said, trying to remember the book.

 "Fantasy, history, biography, crime...."

 I turned and saw it.

 "Here it is."

 I picked it up and walked over to the register. I had my library card on me.

 "I'll like to take this one please," I said, sliding it to the librarian.

 "Your card, please," the librarian said.

 "Sure," I said, reaching into my jean pocket. "It's right..."

 I scrambled around my pocket. My library card wasn't there.

 "Whoops!" I said. "Look at that, I don't have my library card on me. Will you excuse me for sec? I probably dropped it."

 I began to search the whole library for my card.

 "Where is it? Where is it?" I whispered frantically. This wasn't like me. I never lose things unless it's not that important. The only thing I lost once that was important was my wallet.

 I was shopping with Lani, Maddie and Jaqi. Just as I was about to buy something, I noticed that in my purse, my wallet was missing. We rummaged through every store we went through to find my wallet. Luckily, one of the stores said that they found a missing wallet and it turned out to be mine. They said they found it at the try-on rooms.

 From then on, I never saw my wallet again.

 Now I lost my library card. Ok, so maybe your library card wasn't that important but then it was to me because I use it to get my books. And do you have any idea how expensive some books are at Barnes and Noble?

 I picked up some books, thinking that maybe I lost it in one of them when I was looking at them. I tend to leave my library card in there as a bookmarker

 "Anyone see a library card?" I asked.

 No one nodded.

 "Looking for this?"

 A guy in a blue jacket flipped up a library card from his hand. It had my name on it.

 "That's it!" I hollered.

 "Shh!" someone said.

 "Thank you," I whispered.

 "Your welcome," the guy said. "I have to ask but why was your library card in this book?"

 He held up a book that I was previously looking at.

 "I tend to leave my library card in books because it's like a bookmarker to me," I said, taking the library card from him.

 The guy nodded. "I do that with my homework sometimes. I would leave my homework in the book and then I'll be like where's my homework only to find out that it's in my book."

 I giggled. "Thank you for finding it. I thought I was about to go crazy for sec."

 "No need to do that," the guy said. "I mean, some things like your wallet is important but don't go too crazy."

 "Yep," I said. "No need for that."

 I scratched my head.

 "So, do you come here often?" the guy asked.

 "Not really," I said. "I just came here to pick up a book."

 "Cool," the guy said. "I came here to get a card for my friend."

 "Your friend?"

 "Yeah, his name is Ty. He said he needed to get one for the ride to Minecon in case he gets bored."

 "Ty? As in Deadlox?"

 The guy nodded. "I'm Harvey but you can also call me Seto. As in Setosorcerer. Unless you don't know me..."

 "No," I said. "I mean, I've watched you guys before. You're really funny."

 "Thanks," Harvey said. "Are you going to Minecon too?"

 "Maybe," I said. "You see, I've been having a lot of guy trouble lately."

 "I've heard," Harvey said. "No worry though. I really think you should go. I mean, one: it's going to be fun. Two: you get to meet all your favorite YouTubers. Three: it's going to be super fun."

 I laughed. "Ok, you've got me convinced."

 Harvey laughed too. "And if you don't go, I'm pretty sure all the guys are going to be mad and accuse one another that they're the reason you didn't go."

 I nodded. "Yep."

 "Don't worry. If anything, I can straighten them out for you."

 I winced. "Oh, no, Harv, it's ok. I can handle this."

 "Ok, then. Let me know if any of them are bothering you."

 "Aren't you kind of mad at them for booting you  out?" I asked. "Team Crafted?"

 "Not really," Harvey said. "It was their choice. I don't really care. As long as we're still friends, it's all ok. Everyone's different but as long as we're friends, it doesn't matter."

 I smiled. "That's good."

 Harvey slipped me a piece of paper. "Here, my number. In case any of them are bothering you or you want to hang out. Just dial and I'll pick up."

 "Ok, thanks," I said. "I'll text you."

 Harvey nodded and walked away.

 I went up to the register. "I found it."

 I walked out and saw Lani on her phone.

 "What took you so long?" she asked.

 "You're not going to believe who I met," I said. Lani looked at me. "Another..."

 "Another YouTuber," I said.

 Lani snickered. "It doesn't get any better than this."

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