chapter 1

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here's chapter 1, hope everyone likes it. /~<3~/

 the fact that i dread school, i hate it. my daily routine consists of getting up, getting ready skip breakfast get on the bus and suffer through my school day. "Karla hurry up your going to be late for school!" my mom yelled. "alright im coming!" I check myself in the mirror one last time i examine my entire look now i just need my bracelets to cover up my fresh cuts then im off to school. "hey mom im walking to school today" "ok then see you" my mom yelled as i was walking out the door text from Danny: hey kiddo im gonna come by this afternoon, dont make any plans.. Karla: No need to make plans bro I'll see you after school.

 heading to school with my music blasting Avenged Sevenfold hail to thr king. im getting dirty looks the minute i walk through the doors of the building and people already whispering. there should just be a giant ass sign hanging above me saying "animal freak show do not feed may be rabbid...." or some stupid shit like that. i go to my locker grab my books and head to class. just as i was walking down the hall i get tripped by none other than Alexa Sanders.... by all means i hate that skank looking trashier than ever in her 6 inch high heels tight black tank top with a cheeta print skirt thats too tight that it would fit a 12 year old girl for christ sake. "oh look its the suicidal freak, did they just let you out of the nut house or something?" she says in disgust. "at least i dont look like i should be working the street corner" Karla retorted and walked away flipping Alexa off.  before class i go to the bathroom and take one of my anti-depressants in the bathroom stall and then head to first period nutrition class. i walk to the back of the room where my seat is and draw in my sketchbook until class starts.  i hear people whispering and i know its about me no doubt about it. my day goes on getting dirty looks and having my books knocked out of my hand..... i just want this day to end already. the minute lunch rolls around im in the art room for the period. i dont even need a pass my art teacher loves me so i can pop in any time i want.

usually when im in the art room i just work on my projects.... this weeks project is my abstract watercolor project. this would have to be one of my favorite projects so far. 'im going to step out of the room for a little bit Karla" my art teacher said. "ok" i work on my project and listen to my music. having both music and art in my life means the world to me. 

my school day comes to an end and i rush out the doors as fast as i can. i get a text from my brother. Danny: hey sis im in the parking lot. Karla: alright see you in a bit..... he didn't tell me that he was going to pick me up.  well at least i dont have to walk home this time. i walk up to Danny's car and greet him with a hug and then get in the car. "so Karla how've you been lately? anything new?"   should i tell him how ive been really feeling lately or no? i don't like lying to my brother. "ive been fine nothing new lately just........ going about life as it is." Bullshit he'd never buy that sugar coated lie. "that's great......well im stoked for you to come on tour with the band this summer the guys are excited to see you again." i know Karla isn't telling me something.... something is wrong. "how about i take you out to dinner Karla its been a while since ive seen my baby sister...." Danny said. "ok then how about Dennys?" Karla asked. "Ok no problem"  

i feel like a comlpete asshole for lying to him like that but if he finds out that ive been cutting myself and being bullied i wouldnt hear the end of it from him. 

end of chapter 1

i hope you all like the 1st chapter ill try to keep you all updated. much love 

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