You Haven't Called Me That In A While

Start from the beginning

"Yes he did." I said as she nodded and stood up.

"That's good you can start today or tomorrow you can use my office until they have yours ready I won't be here for a while I'm sure they told you that as well, now I would love to... actually no I wouldn't love to stay and caught up what I would love is to be at home alone with my son, I'll be back Monday, goodbye." She said as she grabbed her bag out from under the table and walked out of the room.

As she left I watched her walk out and I couldn't help but keep my eyes off of her, she's gotten even more gorgeous since the last time I've seen her, and becoming a mother seriously made her curvier.

"Do you need a rag for your drool?" Aj said getting angry walking out of the room, I can't believe I forgot she was here. As I walked out of the room I looked around and saw that she was by the elevator I ran over to her and tried to grab her but she wouldn't let me.

Once the elevator door opened we got in and that's when she turned to me.

"You said you wanted to come to San Diego because there was a great company you never mentioned her!" She said yelling at me.

"I didn't know she was here, the company was and still is named TwinkleStar Enterprises and the name was Colace not Garcia how was I supposed to know?" I said angry as well.

"She never told you her full name was Garcia Colace?" She said confused.

"No she didn't, besides you said she was in England how was I supposed to know it was her?" I said.

"I'm sorry it's just that I'm scared that you will fall for her again." She said hugging me.

"How can that happen when I have the most amazing wife in the world?" I said hugging her back tighter.

"Why would I fall for her when she admitted to me that she only used me for her own fun?" I said as I kissed the top of her head.

AJ's Pov

He can't ever find out that I sent that letter, and Nicole never knew he was in the Marines her family warned me that if he finds out I will lose John forever and I can't have that happen, I love him and I will do everything and anything to keep them both from finding out the truth...

Nikki's POV

When I looked up to see him I was in shock how dare he walk back here after he just abandoned me and our son.. sure he didn't know I was pregnant at the time but still he promised me that we would run away get married and live happily ever after, and I like an idiot beloved him how could I not see that he was lying to me? That he was just using me for fun until he family decided to finally leave San Diego I went almost everyday to see if I saw anyone from his family but every time I went Kelly would tell me that they left and haven't come back so I finally gave up when I knew I couldn't hide my pregnancy any longer that's when Nick offered to marry me I accepted only because I knew that my son would be the talk and the laugh of town not only did his stupid mother fall for a guy who never really loved her but got her pregnant and alone with a child Kelly understood that we didn't love each other and that I didn't mind if they still dated after all it was a fake wedding............

2 Months Later.....

John's POV

Nicole hasn't been to work for two months and it's her right when we signed the contracts it said that Nicole would be more of here and there person in her own company and had to be here for important meetings where her vote would be needed other then that she could be in and out as she pleases so imagine my surprise when I walk into my office and I see her there working away.

Nicole hasn't been to work for two months and it's her right when we signed the contracts it said that Nicole would be more of here and there person in her own company and had to be here for important meetings where her vote would be needed other ...

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"What a surprise." I said as she didn't look back at me.

"I'm going out of town for 3 weeks just wanna see how my baby is doing." She said and it made me blush.

"It's been a while since you called me that." I said as she turned around and she looked mad.

"I'm talking about my company." She said showing me the papers in her hands.

"Oh I just thought..." I began to say when she stopped.

"Stop thinking and show me the progress reports I have a plane to catch." She said sitting down.

After 15 minutes we finished going over paper work as she was getting up as my friend walked in.

"Hey John sorry I'm late." He said coming in sitting down next to Nicole.

"That's fine, umm Nicole this is Adam he's going to be helping us." I said as she got up.

"That's fine as long as my company gets out of this hell hole my idiot brother dumped it into." She said not even looking at him.

"Wait Nicole?" Adam said looking her up and down then Nicole finally looked at him a bit confused.

"Yes?" She said looking a bit confused.

"Oh come on baby doll." He said as my eyes widen and Nicole got angry and began to walk towards the door when she froze and turned around to face him.

"Doll Face?" She said tearing up.

"That's my girl." He said as she walked up to him.

"I can't believe it's you." She said as they embraced each other in a big hug.

"Am I missing something?" I said getting a little angry.

"I can't believe after all these years my first love is in front of me again........

"I can't believe after all these years my first love is in front of me again

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