Thank You!!!

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It's official. This is the end of Mad House. My second completed book, I'm proud. *sniffles*
This book was my attempt to scare you guys but I'm sure I failed miserably. I tried though, it's the thought that counts right?

Anyways, I will like to thank you guys for reading this weird book and sticking with me through it and voting and commenting. I love seeing feedback in any type of form so it swelled my heart that so many of you enjoyed this book the way you did. Thanks.

Second, I will like to thank JasminNelson for creating the #spookyhoesonlychallenge and picking me to join in. I hope you enjoyed this book girl!

Although I sucked, it was fun writing this story and seeing how I can expand my genres with writing. Overall, this was just for fun and a chance for me to grow out of my terrible updating habits.

I hope y'all enjoyed the ending of this book and see y'all on the flip side!

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