Daenerys Targaryen X Male!Stark!Reader - Shared company (Requested)

Start from the beginning

The first was tall and regal, her silver-white hair shining in the candle light. She was the most stunning woman you had ever seen and you had to fight to keep your mouth shut as you gawped at her. The second woman was at her side, somewhat smaller and dark skinned, she was also beautiful but next to the Queen she was hardly noticeable. "Lord Stark," the blonde greeted you softly with a smile, as she walked into the room, followed by the other woman.

"I prefer to go by Y/N. What should I call you, my Queen?" you questioned, your voice calmer than you had expected it to be.

"Daenerys will do just fine," she told you, and the way she smiled sent shivers down your spine, as you all took your seats. "I was sorry to hear of your losses, from what I hear your father is one of the only reasons I'm still alive," she continued and you nodded slightly.

"My father would never accept the murder of anyone where it could be avoided. He was the only honourable person on that damned council," you told her and she nodded.

"One of the only honourable people in Westeros," she spoke up, pausing. "Present company excluded, of course," she added, making Tyrion chuckle.

"Daenerys, I was wondering if there was any way that we could go to my sister's aid. Her new husband is-" you began but you were soon cut off by the Khaleesi's voice.

"Until I am sitting on the Iron Throne, we cannot launch random attacks across Westeros. It will give the others time to ready themselves for our attack on King's Landing," she told you. "Believe me, I want nothing more than to have Sansa safe with you again, but for now she will have to wait," she told you, leaning forward to place her hand over yours as you gave her a short nod.

"I understand," you told her softly and she gave you a thankful smile as she moved away again, her cheek tinting red as she released your hand.

*Time Skip*

That evening, you were sitting in the metal bath tub in the centre of your chambers, having your first proper bath in months, when a knock came at the door.

"Who is it?" you called out, keeping your eyes closed as you relaxed in the hot water.

"It's me," you heard the Khaleesi call back softly from the other side of the door and your eyes shot open. "Can I come in?" she questioned as you tried to move from the tub, all relaxation gone.

"Now isn't a great time, Your Grace," you choked out as you finally got to your feet, moving to step from the tub as you heard her speak again.

"Don't be ridiculous," she chuckled as she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Daenerys, I'm sorry," you stuttered out as you moved to cover yourself and she let out a small chuckle.

"It's not like I've never seen one before," she joked gesturing at your naked body as she moved to sit in one of the chairs surrounding the table. "I was a married woman," she added and you let out an awkward chuckle, grabbing your robe from the floor beside you and covering yourself more effectively.

"What was it you needed, Your Grace?" you asked tentatively as you sat down in the seat opposite her.

"Can I not just enjoy your company?" she asked as she ran her fingers lightly across the scarred wood of the table top, smiling softly over at you. "I thought it would be good to get to know each other, it will make working together so much easier," she told you more seriously, a smile still etched onto her lips.

"Of course, Your Grace," you uttered, smiling back as you made eye contact.

*Time Skip*

A few hours later, you were still sitting opposite the Khaleesi, having finished a jug of wine between you, as she told you about her child and smiled sadly, thinking about it. "It's not easy being the only one left," she muttered softly, her smile falling from her lips.

"I know how you feel, it's why I'm so desperate to get Sansa to safety. And to find Arya. I have no one else left," you responded gently, leaning forward as you spoke with her and she nodded.

"I promise I'll get them back for you," she told you, allowing her fingers to reach up and brush against your cheek softly, your own hand coming up to join hers, her alcohol laden breath fanning across your lips as she leant a little closer to you across the table.

"Thank you. My sisters mean the world to me," you murmured and she nodded as she leant over and gently pressed her lips to yours, pushing herself closer to you as you allowed her to sink into your drunken embrace.

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