"So you know how I, uh, ran away?" He says placing a hand on his stomach.

"Oh, I forgot you existed for six months." I say sarcastically.

"I went to rehab to get help." He smiles.

"I thought you were too cool for help." I say in disbelief.

"No, Liam, I really needed help."

"Wow, I didn't know that-" My sarcasm is interrupted by Harry.

"Liam, stop. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about." He gulps loudly.

"Of course it's not-" 

Harry interrupts me for the millionth time. "I found out that I-"

"Do you know what time it is?" I interrupt him, suddenly remembering that I have work tonight.

"No, why?" Harry asks confused.

"I have to go to work at seven-" I say getting up from the bed to check the time.

"You got a job?" He asks.

"Yes, I got a job." I mumble.

6:25 PM

"What about Mikey?" He asks confused.

"I hired a babysitter to take care of her while I'm at work. " I say getting a new shirt, and pair of pants to change into.

"Who?" Harry asks staring at me while I get dressed.

"Daphne, could you please watch Mikey until Daphne arrives?" I throw my dirty clothes on the floor.

"Uhm, sure. I guess." Harry mumbles, and stands up from the bed.

"Thank you." I smile at him, and walk towards him. "I missed you." I whisper into his ear before pecking his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, thank you. Bye, Mikey, love you." I shout as I exit the room. I take my keys, coat, and shoes and quickly exit the apartment.

Why am I trusting him?

Harry's POV

"I missed you so much." I smile at the child, who was playing on the floor with a teddy-bear. I watch as she stares at me, and continues to suck the pacifier. I attempt to get my fat body on the floor, so I will be able to take the pacifier out of her mouth.

"No!" She shouts at me when I take it out of her mouth.

"No, Mikey." I scold.

"No." She frowns, and gives me the puppy-eyes.

I sigh, "Fine, but at least you'll be really good at giving blow jobs in your future. You will be able to please a lot of men or women...With penises." I suddenly realize how that doesn't make any sense.

I watch as Mikey hands me the bear in her hands, and says with her small voice, "Pay wif me."

"Oh, okay-" I am interrupted by her grabbing my hand, and trying to get me up. I carefully stand up, and walk towards the little girl's room, noticing a phone on her dresser. I take the phone from the dresser, and slowly sit down on the floor.

1 New Text Message

I open a text message from this Daphne person.

To: Liam

From: Daphne

I'm terribly sorry, I am unable to watch Mikey today. Sorry I'm telling you this at the last minute...you are probably late by now. If you knew I think you'd understand why I'd have to cancel. x

I decide to text her back to let her know that everything is okay.

To: Daphne

From: Liam

Dont worry bout it. Ive got some1 in replace ment 4 u. x

He sucks at writing.

I send the message, and watch as Mikey starts to comb one of her doll's hair. Mikey smiles at me, and leans her head on my stomach.

"Let me know when you are ready to play, okay?" I tell Mikey as I continue to search through Liam's phone. I start to look through his photos, and instantly regret it after finding many photos of...Niall...and I together. I eventually find some photos that are of Mikey, I giggle at her cuteness. "Your daddy takes a lot of pictures of you."

"I wuv daddy." She squeals happily.

"I know you do." I smile back at her, and start to read some of his text messages. After a few moments of reading text messages between Niall and Liam, I decide to stop going through his phone.

"I know you." Mikey says suddenly.

"I know you do." I smile at her while she takes the next doll from the floor, and brushes that one's hair.

"Where you go?" Her voice cracks.

"I went to go get help with my drug and alcohol addiction...For six months, but I was discharged, and I'm all better." I smile at her, and feel a sudden sharp pain come from my stomach. I try to hold back a scream, so that Mikey wouldn't worry about me. Luckily, she continued to brush her doll's hair.

"I'm weady." She says excited. She gets up from the floor, and runs out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I call out. I get up from the floor, and start to look around for her.

"I'm hiding, come and find me!" I hear her giggle.

"Rawr, I'm going to get you." I say playfully. I walk over to the couch, and find Mikey. "I found you, rawr. I'm going to eat you now." I say before she runs away from the couch, and into the bathroom. I suddenly hear her laughing disappear. "Mikey?" I call out nervously. I hear a scream and a loud cry come the bathroom, and I hurriedly enter the room. I quickly pick up the child from the floor, and place her on the sink. "What happened?" I ask panicking.

"I fwell." She continues to cry.

"Can you tell me where it hurts?" I watch as she points to her knee, and I quickly roll up her pants revealing bruises. I place my lips on her knee, and quickly take them off. "You're okay, Mikey." I smile at her. She smiles back, and wipes her tears away. Suddenly, I hear a few knocks come from the door.

"Who dat?" Mikey asks confused. I take her off the sink, and gently set her on the floor.

"I'm not sure, stay here." I say before walking towards the door hesitantly.

"Open up, it's the police." I hear someone say from behind the door.

Oh shit.

I open the door finding two tall men standing before me.

"Harold Styles?" One of the men asks me.

"Y-yes?" I stutter nervously.

"You're coming with us." The other man says.

"What, why-"

"Put your hands behind your back." The policeman interrupts me as I place my hands behind my back, terrified. One of the men handcuffs me.

"Check him." The other one demands. The men who cuffed me starts patting me, and feels for something on me.

"Right here."

"Take him away." The men push me out of the door, and down the stairs of the building.

"There's a child in there with bruises. Child abuse, you think?" I hear one officer ask another as I'm being pushed out.

"Take her away."

"No, you can't do that. No!" I yell trying to fight back.

"Come on." The officer shouts, and takes a hold of my arm, dragging me.

I'm so dead...

Chances. » Lirry/NarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora