sitting with luke

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"want to go out tonight" I said to me. I looked at Luke he was sitting there looking at the ground playing with the grass. "Um sorry noh" I looked at him then Luke. "Fine, you guys just go and have sex" he laughed. "Um excuse me" Luke stood up in front of him. Oh noh. "Waht are u going to do about it gay boy" jaydain looked at Luke and walked closer to him. Jaydain was about to punch Luke in the stomache, but I walked in front of Luke and he punched me in the hip. It didn't hurt I was fine. "Chloe!" Luke shouted at me. The boi walked away. "Why did u get in front of me. Now you r hurt" he looked deeply into my eyes. "I'm not in pain" I smiled. "That is why I did it". "How do u not be in pain" Luke was still staring "um well, I get use to it by girls, and you are not going to be hurt" I looked down at the ground. He hugged me. And we walked home. Luke went back home to his house.


>>> next day, morning 6:30am

I woke up and got out of bed. I had a shower. When I got out I text Chloe

Jai: soon leaving to the airport x are u there?

Why didn't she reply. I grabbed Luke's phone and rang her. She didn't pick up. I texted her on Luke's phone

Luke: Chloe? are u at the airport?

Still noh reply. I hope she is fine. I woke Luke up and we walked down stairs to eat breakfast. Once I finished I walked to my bedroom. And still was know sign of a text from her. My phone went off.

Chloe: won't be coming to the airport with you guys, I'm going back to Perth x

Jai: waht? Are you ok. What have I or we done to you. I will tell the boys.

Chloe: you haven't done anything nothing at all. I will see u maybe in months, I don't want you guys to see me upset.

Jai: you are upset!? Who did this to you!

Chloe: my dog died and family problems, and bitches fighting with me last night, I need to go back home.

Jai: omg, I'm sorry. Please get better x we r your friends we don't mind waht emotion u are in. We will help.

Chloe: your probably thinking, 'wow she cares about her dog more then me' well yeah I do I'm sorry but this dog is mine. And you aren't mine.

Jai: it's fine. I know waht you mean I am not yours, xxo hope u r ok

Chloe: talk later x :'(


I woke up early in the morning. Around 5:30am. I went to have a shower and I got out of the shower and checked my texts.

Lachy: you need to go back to Perth immediately, I am coming with you. We need to go back home.

Chloe: what? Why

Lachy: your dog has died and your dad has died

Chloe: woah, waht this can't be happening! Milo my dog dead

Lachy: yeah :'( sorry

Lachy: meet you at airport.

OMG did I just hear this. My dog has died. I was literally so sad now. I threw my iPhone at the window. And sat on my bed crying my eye balls out. I grabbed all my things and ran out the door. Calling a taxi. I hoped into the car and taxi drove off "are you ok?" The driver asked me. I just nodded and was still crying. He dropped me off at the air port I ran in and went to look for Lachy. "CHLOE" I heard a familiar shout. Oh it was Lachy. Thank god. Thought I was lost. I ran up to him and hugged and cried in his arms "ww what a about dadd" I tried to talk. "It's ok calm down" Lachy whispered. Our plane flight was called. and we went into the plane

>>> 3 hours.

We got off the plane and I ran to the taxi with Lachy following me.

The taxi had arrived at my house (well mums) and I got out of the car. I saw the gate open at the front yard. I walked threw the gate and saw milo laying down :( I standed there and. Took deep breathes still crying. I crawled down and sat beside laying in milo. I cried so hard. I started singing 'Coldplay ~ the scientist' I put my head onto my dogs chest. As I was singing. My other dog came towards me and sat beside milo. I wasn't waiting for this day to happen. Not at all.

Few days later~

I got millions of texts from luke, beau, Daniel and jai. I haven't answered them. Today was the funeral of my dog. I got dress into a pretty amazing dress and I walked down the stairs from my bedroom. I got out my phone and text

Luke, jai, Daniel, beau group chat

Chloe: I'm sorry but I haven't been texting u at the moment, in pain from the fight. My eyes hurt from crying my eye balls out and my dad has died. I love u all very much xxo talk later this afternoon.

Luke was the first person to text back

Luke: naw hope u are ok? I'm very lonely without u. X

Daniel: talk later x hope everything is alright.

Beau: woo. I'm sorry to hear.

Jai: remember we will be here always for u

Chloe: thanks all <3

I told them quickly. Now wasn't the time to text at all. I walked to the back yard. Where family and friends were standing. I said my words

everyone needs a special person in there life, mine is my dog. He greets me everytine I come home, he is always in a good mood to cuddle, enjoys long walks on the beach, he helps me clean up food spills, he keeps me warm at night time and he never fights or complains to me. Dogs are better than humans, becuase they know, but don't tell. Know one can understand real love unless they have a dog.

I then walked home

3 weeks later:

I decided I should go back to Melbourne and see the boys. It had been more than 3 months I haven't even chatted to them a lot on text only once or twice and I really miss them. Especially Luke. I decided I should text them all in the group chat

Chloe: I decided I should come back I miss seeing you and talking to you guys. I need you.

Luke was the first person to text back obviously

Luke: we all are here to support you, and the other behalf of your family. Would be great seeing you again. Please come.

Jai: yeah please come

Daniel: do come

Beau: cum :)

Chloe: I will come :) and beau shut the f**k up :) x (love u)

Beau: ahha no!

Luke: shut up girls.

Luke: I'm glad to hear u are coming back I really miss u x :p

Jai: we all miss her Luke... :D

Luke: so. I miss her the most

Jai: because u love her

Luke: no I don't shut up now

Daniel: Luke stop getting jealous because Chloe likes me more

Chloe: argh :p....

Luke: guys just be quiet

Chloe: .... -_-

Luke: not you don't worry <3


I'm so so so happy to here that Chloe is coming back. Soon as I heard it I felt like screaming so loudly and fan girl. Even though that doesn't make sense. I love Chloe and I need to tell her. Maybe I can ask her to go to the beach with me or something

Chloe: Melbourne has 3 hours ahead time, will be meeting you tomorrow at 9:00am. X text u all later when I'm on the plane. Leaving my house now

She had text me. Yay she is coming tomorrow I can see that pretty and perfect personality again. I really do have feelings for her and I love her. And I think Daniel and Jai do as well. I wonder who she will pick. Not that she has to but, I want her

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