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>>> morning 6am

OMG I felt so tired and drunk. But I wasn't. That is waht I normally felt like. I wasn't worried about getting lost in Melbourne I lived there for ages. And where I'm staying is at my brothers house. My closest brother. I got up and took a shower. Put on a really pretty top with high shorts and basket ball shows. Plus I was wearing a beanie. So cute I thought. Let's hope everyone else thought that. I packed my bag with clothes and things in. I had to put teddies in there. My brother was rich like my mum. So I had a huge bedroom. It was awesome. I ran downstairs. And grabbed some toast and went out to the breakfast area where Luke always stares at me. I ordered berries yumm.

>>> 30 minutes later

Mum decided to go home and get me packed a bit more and check everything was taken of mine to Melbourne. We arrived home and I packed everything I possibly could. "Thanks for helping" I thanked my mum. I went back into the car carrying my suit case my back pack and my rabbit. Named charcoal. He was grey. i put my iPhone on music and listen to it. With headphone in my ears. Minutes later the time was 9am. I got to the airport and sat down at the entrance waiting for the boys. "Mmm" I said. Sitting there. Nothing to do. I didn't want to leave all my bags here and climb those poles.

Me: here ;)

Luke: haven't even left!! OMG

Me: don't rush.

I was really bored. I saw this girl waiting for someone. "Hi" I said to her "hello." She looked at me " OMG Chloe" she said. "Yeah" I replied. "I love u!!" "Thanks" I said. "I've been waiting all morning here for u" she said excitingly. Then hugged me and walked off. That was weird. She came over with 30 other girls and 8 boys. Mmm good looking boys. "CHLOE CHLOE CHLOE" they all shouted. OMG. What do I do. The boys ran to me and defended me. OMG so cute. They looked my age. The girls walked off "thanks guys" I said " Chloe OMG. I love u" one of them said and hugged me "oh thanks" I said "I know we are boys. But we love u" I smiled as they said that. "My name is Liam" he talked about him self. It was boring I didn't listen. I was so rude. I didn't mean to. Anyways I looked up and saw Luke. And the rest "um nice meeting you I have to go bye" I smiled. Jai ran to me and hugged me. I didn't hug him bak. As Luke could notice. I'm glad he noticed. E knows I'm his best friend and only. "U always get here so early" jai said. "Yeah sorry" I agreed to him. "Fans?" Luke asked me "I'm not sure but they were talking about crap shit. Didn't listen to any of it" I nodded. "Hahaha" they all laughed. "Let's go" I smiled. There was a fake red carpet and I decided to act like I was in a pretty dress and I was famous. Luke followed me behind me. I turned around and laughed we both had out heads near each other laughing. We went off to the area where u wait for your plane. 7 minutes left. Yay. "So r u exited to go there" Luke asked. "Lived there for about 9 years. But still exited" I looked into Luke's eyes. "Wow u never told me that" um. "Well yeah I know ..." I said looking at the floor. "We shouldn't talk about it?" Luke put his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah please" I thanked him. "Flight 304 ready to aboard" I grabbed my back back and went on. I followed Daniel because I had noh clue where I was going. "Here" Daniel smiled. awesome. I liked it. We had rugs and pillows and a tv :) yay. There was a free spot next to me and jai went to sit on it the whole way. We watched movies together and played. Daniel felt left out so I out my head into his chest. I could tell he was smiling. We watched a movie together. And laughed at he funny moments. Then we talked for ages. I texted Luke saying where he was in this plane. He answered with 'noh where near you :(' oh that was sad.


I slept nearly the whole way


Chloe slept on my chest. She is so cute. I woke her up by breathing deeply "wow was that a dragon"'Chloe laughed. "Noh" I said hahah.

Luke~ I hated not being next to Chloe. I was stuck with beau. Wonder waht Chloe is doing with Daniel and jai. Apparently beau said jai was sitting next to her. :(. I'm glad she texted me wondering where I was though. She is thinking about me.


Luke seemed real sad. "You can't be with her 24 hours a day" I told Luke " I wish I was though" Luke looked out the plane window. I watched another movie and so did Luke. It was finally time to get off. Luke was the first to stand up. He looked up the back to see waht Chloe was doing. She was just laying there with her head down texting. Who? I wonder. Wasn't Daniel or jai. Or Luke or me. Who else does she know! Luke ran up to them "hi Luke" Chloe got up and hugged Luke.


His warm hugs always cheer me up. "Who were u texting" Luke looked down at my phone. "My brother. Who I'm staying with." He nodded and walked out the plane with all his stuff. Followed by everyone else. I walked most of the way. The boys ran except Luke he stayed back with me. Pathetic boys must be exited to be home again. I grabbed my suit case and got in the taxi to my brothers Luke came with me. "Thanks Luke for staying with me all this time" I hugged him "oh it really fine. Anytime" he hugged me bak. "If u need me text me and ring ok?!" I told him. We hugged one last time but it was a long hug. And I left to my house. I knocked. "CHLOE OMG" I saw my brother grab me and hug me so tight. "I missed you so much." He told me "same I love u" I said. "Who doesn't" he added hahahaha. We grabbed something to eat and talked about everything all nite. I looked at the clock it was 5am. Wow. "I think I need to go to bed. I have 1 whole month to spend with you and talk" I laughed. "Bye" Lachy laughed with me. I went up stairs and fell on my bed.


I walked in the house and hugged mum. She was so happy to see us again. Daniel Stayed the nite.

I went to sleep at 12am. I was thinking about Chloe all night. she was so perfect today. She is everyday. I miss her so much. Wonder waht she is doing.

Me: hey x

Chloe: hey

She is always online :)

Me: wud?

Chloe: talking to lachy

Me: ummm who is lachy.

Chloe: don't worry he's my brother u silly :)

Me: oh sorry. Night.

I thought Lachy was her boyfriend or something. I'm glad he's not. I wish I could have a sleepover at Chloe's but she might think it would be weird.

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