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>>> morning 10am

I woke up with birds tweeting. So annoying. I like birds, but they tweet to much. I hope I'm going to catch up with Chloe today. I got up out of my bed and had a quick shower.


Birds are fucking annoying. Luke woke up same time as me because of them. "Hi" Luke said when he got out of the shower. "Morning" I said in a sleepy voice. "Go have a shower" Luke laughed at me. I went to go into the shower. Once I got out I had clothes on my bed!, " umm thanks Luke" I said to him strangely. "Oh u need to pack for tonight. We are staying at Chloe's house." Luke seemed very happy. "Cool, thanks for packinging for me" I smiley said. He finished and walked out the room. I quickly checked if I had everything. Yep I did. That is very weird.


Luke: just got out of the shower. Doing anything today?

Me: mmm sleepover at mine tonight 6?

Luke: omg sound awesome. I'm coming and so is Daniel, jai and beau.

Me: see you then. Bye for now x

Luke: talk later bye x

Yes. I love my mornings talking to Luke. Hehe. I decided to spend my morning and afternoon with my brother. I was so exited. I walked down stairs all tired "morning, you should have a shower to wake you up," my brother said. So I went back up stairs and grabbed my clothes and went to go into the shower. I wonder who I'm going to sleep with. Mmm maybe Luke or jai. Hopefully.

I finished my shower and went to the kitchen. I haven't had breakfast at home for ages. Though this wasn't my home but it still counted as a home. I was looking forward to today. I didn't know waht we were doing but I still was exited. My brother served up waffles. I have only had waffles twice in my life. So yummy. My brother Lachy is 20 years old. Had blonde and brown hair like me. Always wears snapbacks and has pretty blue eyes. I know it is weird to say that his eyes are amazing but they are. He has 4 dogs. All of them are border collies. I love dogs so much. "We can go shopping today and go to the park" lachy said with a bite of waffle in his mouth. I nodded and went to the kitchen to do the dishes. We both went out side with the dogs and took them for a walk. "I do this every morning" lachy had told me. We ran with them and played fetch. It was so fun. Went went to the shops and I got this really nice top and shorts to match. It looked adorable. I still had the dog leaches in my hand. So I had to try it on with the dogs in the closet with me. Lachy was doing the same. Hahahaha. We had the best time. I walked out of the shop with about 11 bags in my hand. I bought so many things. Not just clothes or accessories. We walked home and watched a movie the dogs were on my lap. I took a picture and put it on Instagram and twitter. Luke liked the picture and commented. "Cute dogs/you" hehe. He called me cute. it was 5pm. I was ready for tonight. "want to go to the shops and buy some stuff for the boys when they come over?" My brother asked and opened the front door. "That would be great" I said walking out with him. Yeah. Now they will have the best time ever at mine. "We can get movies to" my brother also added. "Shops first them movie" I said getting into the car. We drove off to the fish and chips store to get fish and chips for dinner. Yum. I couldn't wait. We went into Coles and bought 19 bags of lollies. Wow. And 4 cakes. A lot of biscuits and a lot of drinks. I couldn't wait. We drove down to the movie store and borrowed 10 movies. Hope the boys liked them. Some were horror, comedy and romantic also one that was cartoon. Tonight is going to be the best. We drove back home. "We took an hour!" I screeched. It was 6pm!! The boys would be here soon. Yay. I got dressed into a formal out fit. A aqua blue shirt that would match with my skirt I had.


"Are u ready" jai said. I was looking my best for Chloe. I walked to the door and beau, Daniel, jai and I went off to Chloe's brothers house. Jai knocked on the door. Chloe opened the door "omg about time guys!" She said joking. "Argh Luke was doing his hair and stuff" jai laughed looking at me. "I was not" I told jai. "Then waht were u doing" jai pushed me "guys lets come in" Chloe thankfully greeted us. I'm glad Chloe said that. Because I didn't know waht to say when jai said waht was I doing. "Just make your self at home" Chloe said. "Thanks" Daniel said. We walked up stairs to the biggest bedroom I've ever seen. It was huge. "This is where we are sleeping" Chloe told us "this is my bed for tonight" beau immediately said. "Then this one is mine" Daniel shouted like beau did. "Umm I don't really care" jai said. "Same" I agreed with jai. "Truths?" Said jai. "Yeah" Daniel, beau and I said. "Chloe?" I wondered if She wanted to play. "Oh yeah sorry" Chloe said.

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