night out with luke

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She just said that "WE are such piggys" OMG US. We finished and walked over to a milkshake cafe. Mmm yum. Chloe and I have the same taste in food and personality. I get on with her really well. "2 choc mint milkshakes large with icecream please" Chloe ordered and payed. "You know I'm the boi here" I told her "I pay". She ignored and waited. "Yum." I said. She grabbed the shakes and ran off ... With mine. "Hahaha". She laughed. I chased after her and tickled her to she got to the ground. This felt amazing. And then she handed the milkshake to me :) "u won this time" she said getting up off the ground. "Yeah!!" I shouted. "The day hasn't ended yet though" she laughed while puffing out of breathe. We walked to the park and sat on the swings "so when are you leaving to Melbourne.?" She asked me looked sad. "Umm next week I think." I said. "Oh" she just said oh. What's that mean. "Have you ever kissed anyone" we both asked at the same time. I knew we were twins. "OMG lol" she said we both laughed. "Umm.. Noh" I said. "I have. My mum" she smirked. "Hahahahahah." I laughed. "Noh :(" she said with a tear down her face. I wiped it away. She smiled.


I knew I had a tear in my eye. He wiped it away SOO cute. It was silence until I broke the silence saying "I should go. It's 7pm!" Luke looked shocked " I shouldn't of said that should of I :( sorry" I said. "Noh. I just was shocked that the day is over." He said. "Oh good" I laughed. "Not good that the day is over or-" he cut me off by hugging me. Waht does that mean. I hugged back.


I was looking into Chloe's eyes. I knew I had to kiss her sometime. But was now to early waht if she didn't like me. I just hugged her instead. So dumb. She hugged back though "best friends or a couple? I giggled. She punched me in the arm "best friends " she told me and hugged me again. I smiled so big. She grabbed her bag and grabbed something out. It was wrapped with a bow on it. "This is for u" she gave the present to me. "Waht u couldn't of" I said stumbling. "Well I did" Chloe said. I opened half of it "it's really nothing. I hope u like it" she said awkwardly. "An iPhone 5s, waht Chloe. You really don't have to" I said. "It is for my bestfriend" she smiled ad turned away. "Thank you so much, you deserve to be taken out somewhere tonight" I told her. "Omg yes please ... Wait that just sounded rude sorry Luke" she looked exited but didn't want to show it. "Well we r going out tonight." I said "omg thanks. Never been on a date" Chloe added "um I wouldn't call it a date" as soon as I could say anything else she interrupted saying "OMG I'm so sorry. It just that I didn't know waht else to call it ..." She said. But I could tell she lied. "As I was going too say was, u can say it is a date if you want" I cheerfully smiled to her. She grabbed her bag and jumped off the swing. "You have my number and I have you" Chloe laughed. As a joke. :(. I love Chloe. "Nite" I said. Thinking. Wait shouldn't I go and drop her off. Wow I'm going to be a great boyfriend. Not.

Chloe ~

"CHLOE" Luke shouted. I turned around "YEAH" I shouted back at him. He ran to me taking his hat off so he could run faster. Naww so cute. I loved him. Skinny love I guess. But he doesn't like me. "I'm walking home with you" Luke said puffing. "Oh u really don't need to" I was being polite. "I ran all this way for nothing" he yelled as a joke "... I am scared of the dark. Um u need to come" he smiled I heard this thing move in the bush. "FUCK" I yelled and it jumped at me. And landed on me. "Ahaha haha sorry I was meant to jump on Luke not u. He is scared of the dark that's why" it said. "Thanks beau thanks" oh it's beau. "Hahahahaha.. Nice one" I fake laughed "sorry" beau said again "u should be" I said laughing he laughed to. Luke looked jealous . He couldn't be though. "I heard people at the park and then I saw it was you two so then I went In the push to scare u Luke" beau explained to us why he was there. "Did u hear anything we said or see anything we did" Luke said worried. "Noh. Did u guys have sex or something." Beau looked confused and laughed. "Beau that is just gross" I didn't laugh. I crossed my arms. "Yeh beau go away" Luke told him. "Noh I'm walking with you guys" beau stood next to me. "Scared?!" I laughed and so did Luke. "Noh I'm just not walking on my own " beau told us lies

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