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Tonight, Stiles and I decided to just stay at home and do our chores. Since dad will be out patroling, we both decided that it's best for us to be good kids. Instead of running around the town investigating stuff. Today we'll be normal teenagers.

The next day we went to school together. We met Lee at the locker.
"Did you got any news from Scott?", Stiles asked.
"He's with Derek last night", Lee replied.
"And what happened?", I asked.
"No idea. I heard Jackson's with them, but he's not talking about it", he replied.
"Okay... So we're normal for the mean time?", I asked.
"I suppose so", Stiles replied.

We continue walking when we saw some of the students crowding at bulletin board. When the crowds thinned, we got the chance to see what is it.
"There's a Formal Night this coming Friday", I said.
"Oh the formal thing", Stiles said sighing.
"Is there a problem?", Lee asked.
"Nothing. It's just that... ARGH!!!", Stiles said scratching his head. I laughed at his reaction. I know that last year he didn't attend. Because he didn't get a date and the only person in Beacon Hills that he wants to date is Lydia Martin. But since he's a nerd... He didn't get a chance to date her.
"Yeah... Just laugh your head out. Somehow I'll get to date her", he said.
"Oh... I get it", Lee said catching up. Then he smiled.
"Oh come on not you too", Stiles said annoyed.
"Stiles if you didn't react, he won't get it", I said still laughing.
"Hate the both of you", he said and began to walk out.
"Don't worry! You'll get to date her!", Lee shouted.
"Yeah. Whatever!", he yelled back.
"Come on let's go", I said and we both go to our classes.


After school, I went to Scott's place to ask him what happened last night. I went to his room finding him searching for something.
"What're you looking for?", I asked.
"My phone", he replied.
"You lost it?", I asked.
"No. Misplaced it", he replied.
"Okay...", I said sighing. "Fine, I'll help you", I finally said.

After several hours of searching, still nothing. We found no phone. I sat down on his chair getting tired of searching.
"Already getting", he said.
"It's not here", I said. He still continue searching for the damn phone. "So you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?", I suggested.
"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We need to find Derek", he said.
"No. You're not alone, you got me", I said as he ignores me. "And you said that Derek went to the gunfire. So that sounds like he's dead", I said.
"No. They just took Derek to get to the Alpha", he said.
"Why don't you just let them go on with their plan and let them use Derek to get to Peter. Problem solve", I said.
"Not if Peter went to Allison to get to Derek. I can't protect her on my own. I need Derek", he said. "Just please help me", he said and threw a ball on my head.
"Maybe you lost it during your fight. Remember. You two were fighting. When he tried to kill you after you interupted him killing Jackson. Didn't you see a violent pattern here", I said.
"He wasn't gonna kill anyone. And I won't let him die", he said.
"Can you at least wish him to die for once. Just for me", I said. Then we heard the gravel crunching on the driveway, which means his mom's home.


"You want me to take her to the formal?", Jackson asked pertaining to Allison.
"No. I need you too", Scott cleared. We're in the locker room when Scott told me and Jackson that he can't come to the formal because of his academic performance. He's asking the jerk, whose name is Jackson, to take Allison as his date at the formal.
"Screw you", Jackson replied. "You know what. Screw you too", he said pointedly at me. "Screw each other", he added.
"He saved your life", I said.
"He left me for dead", he said.
"No. I took the bullet for you", Scott said.
"Where's the bullet marks?", he asked.
"It healed", Scott replied.
"Well that's convenient", he said.
"You need to take her and keep an eye on her round the clock. Allison is in grave danger", Scott said.
"Why don't let her dad do it? He knows how to protect her", he suggested.
"I can't do that without telling him about me", Scott said.
"What if I get hurt?", he asked.
"Then it's worth it", Scott replied.
"Not to me", he said. Then he scoff and push us aside.
"I shoudn't say I told you so cause it's not strong enough. What about I tell you to always listen to me because I'm always right for the sake of your wolflihood", I said.
"I'm not done yet", he said and followed Jackson.
"Not done", I said to myself. I didn't follow Scott cause I don't want to see how he's gonna threaten Jackson into doing it.

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now