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After the game and hearing Stiles's bad news, I went home to rest.

These games really tire my body so much that I don't wanna shower and just lie on my bed, but my mom will kill me if I do that so I'm just gonna take a shower.

After showering, I went to bed......

I am at the school at late hours with Allison. I really thought I went home to rest. We were at the parking lot, where Allison's somewhat flirting with me.

"Come on", I said. Taking Allison to one of the school's buses.

"Where are you taking me?", she asked, laughing.

"I just wanna be alone", I said, laughing along.

"We are alone", she reminded me.

"Somewhere we can be more alone",I said, flirting. I open bus's door and enter hand-in-hand with Allison. "Come on", I invited.

We get in the bus and sit on one of the chairs. We're both looking at each other's eyes. I approach her seat and kiss her. Once our lips touch, my hands were all over her. I felt the sensation all over me. My pulse raising that I felt shifting right in front of her. I stopped kissing her as soon as I felt it.

"Scott, what's wrong?", she asked.

"Go away", I said, averting my eyes so she couldn't see it glowing.

"Scott", she called.

"Get away from me", I said facing her in my wolf form.

I saw Allison got scared and began to run out of the bus. Before she reach the door, I grab her ankle and drag her further in the bus. She's screaming like a maniac trying to stop me from attacking her. I kept attacking until she's all bloody in the face. When she found a chance to fight back, she kicked me. I almost fell backwards but I regain my balance. Allison reached the door and tried to open it. I force one of the bus's chair and threw it. Allison still screaming for her life, almost open the door when I reach her and drag her to death....

Then I woke up. It was just a dream, does it?


"So you killed her?", I asked Scott. He told me about the dream he had last night. It's very creepy. He dreamt about killing Allison.

"I don't know. I just woke up. I was sweating like crazy, I can't breathe. I never dream like that before", he replied.

"Really?", Steffie asked. Looks like she's moved on.

"I have. Actually it ends up differently", I said.

"Hey. I never dream like it was real and like I'm really part of it", he said.

"Noted!", Steffie said.

"Don't you have a class today?", I asked her.

"Yup. Biology. I gotta go", she said cheerfully.

"Now let's get back to you. Let me give a guess here...", I started.

"I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tonight. If I lose control I might rip her throat out", he said.

"No, of course not", I said. He glared at me. "Yeah, that's totally it", I truthfully said. He sighed. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Alright", I said, lifting his spirits up. "Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazing. You know, it's not like there's a lycantrophy beginners class that you can take up", I said.

"It's not a class but there can be a teacher", he said.

"Who? Derek?", I asked hitting his head. "Did you forget the part that we toss him in jail?", I asked.

"I know, but chasing her, grabbing her ankle and draging her at the back of the bus. It felt so real", he replied.

"How real?", I asked.

"Like it actually happen", he answered.

We both open the doors at the school's parking lot and found that one of the school's buses are torn apart with blood stains around it, surrounded by police, deputies and forensics.

"I think you did", I told Scott.


I can't believe that Stiles just blew me off. I thought that there will be no secrets between us. Looks like I'm gonna use my detective skills I got from dad.

I went to the backside of the school and found out that there's an attack. So I tried to follow my brother and Scott along the corridor.

"She's probably fine", Stiles said.

"She's not answering my text. Stiles", Scott replied.

"You know maybe it's just a coincidence", I suggested.

"WOAH!!!", Stiles screamed.

"Hi. It could be just coincidence. A freaking coincidence", I added.

"What're you doing here? You suppose to have classes?", Stiles asked.

"Classes have not yet started", I replied.

"Hey guys. Just help me find her", Scott frantically said, searching.

"Find who?", I asked.

"Allison", Stiles whispered.

Scott search the whole corridor for Allison. He kept on glancing around hoping to find her. It hurt me a bit. I wish he'll also look at me like how he looked at Allison.

We lose him right there at the corridor.

"Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that happened to one of our buses, while the police work to what happen. Classes will proceed as schedule", the principal said via intercom.

"Awww", the students wailed so as my brother.

Well... This is it. We still have classes and I have to go or I'll be late. Mr. Harris will shave my head if I'm late.

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now