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I arrived at school, ahead of Steffie (obviously). Meeting Scott infront of the school. There, he recounted everything that happened to him that night.

"Hey, lets see this thing", I said. Scott showed me the wound he got from the woods. I almost throw up whatever I ate a while ago. With all those blood and everything, but all I manage is just a simple whooping sound.
"It's too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf", he said.
"A wolf bit you", I said.
"Uh-huh", he replied.
"No, not a chance", I said.
"I heard a wolf howling", he said.
"No you didn't", I said.
" What do you mean, I didn't? How do you know what I heard?", he asked.
"Because California has no wolves, like in sixt years", I said.
"Really?", he asked.
"Yes really. There are no wolves in Califoenia", I said.
"You will not believe me about the wolf, but you will definitely believe me when I tell you, I found the body", he said.
"Are you kidding me?", I asked. Excited about his news.
"I wish, I had nightmares for month", he simply replied.
"That's freaking awesome. You know that's seriously the best thing that's happen in this town, since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia! You look... Like you're gonna ignore me", I said.

Oh my... When will Lydia notice me? I have this huge crush on her since 3rd grade and still, I'm invisible to her sight. Well, whatever! Scott and I need to rush, we still have classes to attend to.


That very stupid brother of mine... I wonder where did he go? I just wish he just let it go... But still...

I arrived at school, finding him with his friend Scott, talking about something. Maybe it's about Lydia again, cause I saw him makibg cutesy look at her...

Looking for that laboratory in Biology is the most not so cool thing... Finally, here it is.

"Is this seat taken?", I asked the person behind the vacant desk.
"Nope", he answered and look up. I saw the most beautiful face looking up at me. He looks like an angel with those dazzling sea green eyes and long eyelashes.

He looked at me as if he's seeing the most stupid person alive (if you saw a person gawking at youe face, you'll think that he/she is crazy).

"I'll appreciate it, if you'll stop looking at me like that", he casually said.
"Like what?", I asked.
"Like you're salivating or something. It's disgusting", he replied.
"WHAT!!!", I said, flabbergastered.
"By the way, I'm Lee Perseus Stanley", he introduced himself.
"And I don't care", I sass.
"Your name is 'I Don't Care'? That's weird", he said wondering.
"Yup, so butt off", I said.

He really did butt off, and that give me peace.

After school, I went to look for my brother. I found him with Scott going to their lacrosse practice.

"Hey bro!", I greeted my brother.
"What're you doing here?", he asked.
"Watching your lacrosse practice. Go Beacon Hills!", I said.
"And Scott, if you play, who am I gonna talk to on bench?", he asked.
"I can't sit down again. I don't wanna be on sidelines anymore. This season, I'm gonna make first line", Scott said.
"McCall! You're on goal!", their coach said.
"But I've never played before", Scott replied.
"I know, but scoring some shots gives the boys the boys confidence boost. It's a first day back thing. Get them energize. Fire them up", their coach replied.
"What about me?", Scott asked.
"Try not to take any on the face", their coach replied.

Scott took the equipment for goalie's position and take the shots. I have to admit, Scott is really good. Except for the first attempt. The ball hit his face because he was distracted by the shrill sound of whistle. I wonder why?...

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now