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Me, Scott and Stiles ran inside the school. They tried to barricade the door that protect us from the Alpha.
"Lock it!", Scott commanded.
"Do look like I have the key", I sass.
"Just block it or anything!", Scott suggested. Stiles suddenly looked outside the door. We all followed him. We found the bolt cutter that we used to trespass the school. My brother looked at me and Scott as if telling us he'll get it to lock the door.
"No Stiles", Scott said as he shook his head.
"He's gonna kill you", I said with tears in my eyes.
"Yes", he simply said, acting brave.
"No, wait. Stiles don't...", Scott warned him. He gave the flashlight to me and went out to get the bolt cutter. Scott and I looked outside again to see if the Alpha's around so we can signal Stiles to run back inside. We both saw the Alpha and he saw Stiles getting the bolt cutter.
"Run! Run! Run!", Scott and I shouted while banging the door. Stiles noticed our noise and saw the Alpha, he ran back inside and put the bolt cutter in the handle of the door. We all release a sigh of relief, but we also know that this will not hold for long.

We all looked around the campus, well this is new. Beacon Hills Highschool at night! Woohoo! Yeah! (Just kidding). Scott and Stiles glance around looking worried then they both looked at me.
"What?", I asked.
"Nothing. We were just thinking where to hide", Stiles said.
"Well, look around! Do you think it's safe to hide here? There's lots of windows. He'll still see us", I said, panic-stricken.
"Shush... Calm down. I know what you're talking about", Scott said, calming me down. That calm me a little. I know how worried he and Stiles is and I don't want to add my worries to it. While we're thinking of how to escape the Alpha, we heard him howl. That signaled us to run and hide in an emply classroom.

Scott and my brother are pushing a teacher's table to block the door when I stopped them.
"The door's not gonna keep him", I said. Scott and Stiles saw my point and stop.
"It's your boss", Stiles said.
"The Alpha?", I asked.
"No", Scott denied.
"Deaton. He's a murdering psycho werewolf", Stiles confirmed.
"No", Scott said, not grasping the truth about his boss.
"He disappeared a while ago and that thing shows up ten seconds after. Tossing Derek twenty feet in the air. That's not a convenient timing", Stiles explained. Now that he said that. It makes me wanna say 'Yes, he's the Alpha!'.
"That can't be", Scott said, still denying it.
"Derek's dead", I simply said. Tears welling up my eyes. I'm so scared right now that I wish that I didn't join Derek in this situation. But then again, I have no choice.
"Derek can't die. He can't die", Scott said.
"Blood spilled from his mouth. That doesn't qualifies a minor injury", Stiles said, looking at Scott. "He's dead and we're next", he added. Come to think of it, that should be our fate. Dying in the hands of the Alpha. I simply walked away, slide down a nearby wall and hugged my knees. I can't believe that we'll just gonna die doing nothing to protect us. I want my dad.


As soon as I saw Steffie hugged her knees, I knew what was going on. She's really scared right now. I remember her being scared of thunder. She's hugging her knees and won't calm down unless dad came and hug her until she fell asleep. I looked at Scott and he nods back, he knew this side of my sister. I went beside her and side-hug her. She's really shaking, must be the nerves. Or she's really scared.

"Hey, we're gonna be okay", I said.
"No we're not", she contradicted.
"Look, I know you're really scared right now. But I promise you, we'll all come out of this alive", Scott firmly said. She looked at Scott then at me. She finally stop shaking. Looks like she calmed down, thanks to Scott.

"What're we gonna do?", Steffie asked.
"We're going to my jeep and your car, then get outta here", I said, then I turned to Scott. "You seriously think of quitting your job, right?", I asked him. He just looked back at me and nods. "Good", I said, as we all ran towards the window to see how further we'll be running.
"Stop. It will not open. The school's climate proof", I told Scott as he tried to open the windows.
"We break it", he suggested.
"We'll make a lot of noise", Steffie said.
"Then... Then... We'll run really fast", Scott said as he look back outside the window. "Really fast", he added.

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now