"Now that you've come to witness one of his many triumphs, what do you think of Levi as a person now?" She asked.

"He's amazing and continues to amaze me everyday. When you've known someone over ten years and you've gotten a chance to watch them grow physically and mentally it pulls at your heart strings. Levi has grown into an intelligent man and is an amazing athlete. I feel that there is still more room to grow. You're never finished learning." I finished.

"Alright then, thank you so much for your time." She said.

"Well thank you for having me, Sarah." I said with a smile.

I got up and walked back to the little dressing room they had for Levi and I. I was dressed in a form fitting black dress with a semi-plunging neckline and black heels. My hair was curled to perfection and my make up was done nicely. I walked into the room and took my shoes off. Levi was sitting on the couch eating a sandwich.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." He said and took another bite.

"I just finished my interview." I told him.

"I finished up fifteen minutes ago." He said and bit another piece of the sandwich. I looked over to the other couch and saw Matthew sound asleep. He was matching with Levi and I for pictures later. "So you said some nice things about me, right?" He asked. I smiled.

"Nope." I said and popped the 'P'.

"But come on, it's my birthday." He said. I laughed. "I know. You're twenty six now and old." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't talk if I was you, little miss thang. Your birthday is close." He said and poked my side.

"I was just kidding. You're young and good looking." I told him. He smiled and kiss my forehead. I turned the tv on and saw my parents on the screen. They were currently doing their interview.

"Wait, don't tell me you saw my interview." I said and sat up. He nodded.

"Yeah but not all of it. I loved the way you described our life." He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and leaned into his chest. Matthew started to stir and slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and crawled his way off the couch.

He waddled his way to us and climbed into his daddy's lap.

"It was one part of your interview I liked. I'm your best friend, huh?" He asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.


"Awe come on, just admit it. You're my best friend too, babe." He said.

"Better not tell Jake that." I joked. He laughed.

"He should know by now that my woman is number one." He said. I smiled and gave him a kiss. It was meant to be a quick peck but he extended it. That left lipstick on his lips. "Oh how cute, you got lipstick on your lips." I said and laughed.

"Oh how cute, I smudged yours." He said with a wink and laughed back. I got up and fixed my lipstick. While I was wiping off the lipstick off Levi's lips, someone knocked on the door. I opened it and Levi's manager was standing there. "Hey, James!" I said with a smile.

"Hey there." He said with a warm smile. "Looking good as always, Chelsea." He continued with a smile.

"Watch it." Levi said and got up. James chuckled.

"Chill out, Levi, I'm just here to tell you that it's time for the pictures." He said and left. I checked my makeup once again. Levi grabbed Matthew and my hand. He led us to the photoshoot down the hall. "There's that gorgeous family!" The photographer exclaimed. I smiled at her. She had us sit down and try out different poses.

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