WW2 Has Ended...But Not How 'HE' Expected

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I couldn't sleep all night. I was nervous...But I will fight.
Not for the human race.
Not for my life.
Not for this Earth...But for Sir Alucard. He is the only reason I live, so my life is practically his, right?
I sight and go, at 5am, in the kitchen, looking for some water.

-?-: Shouldn't you sleep at this time?

I wasn't even surprised that he was here, actually. I got used to this by now, so I wasn't flinching anymore.

me: Couldn't sleep...
Alucard: Nervous?
me: Somehow...
Alucard: You should be. It's going to be a very long war, believe it.
me: I guessed so. I mean, it cannot be called a WORLD war for nothing.
Alucard: Good, I taught you well, Little Girl.
me: No, Sir Alucard, we are going to fight in a war. A war is no such thing as a little girl. That is why, I'd like to ask you to stop calling me that, at least for the time being...
Alucard: *chuckle*Just as expected of you, Black Raven
me: No, Sir Alucard, it is too troublesome to say my full name, it will only get in the way of delivering important commands.
Alucard: Fine, fine, enough with the charade, go and get your weapons. We will go to the meeting point. It is about time you see the Shinigami.
me: Yes, sir, yes!

~5 minutes later~

Alucard: Good to see you, Shinigami Walter.
Walter: Likewise, Nosferatu Alucard. Who is she?
Alucard: Black Raven. The last of the Elementalists.
Walter: Oh, interesting *shaking my hand* nice to meet you too, princess.
me: Ah. As you say, Walter.
Walter: Not very friendly, I see?
Me: It isn't that. We are at war. There is no place for pleasantries or anything "fun" or "friendly" here, but only "death" and "blood". And the thing is, I cannot say that I do not enjoy the bloody, gruesome deaths that I cause, since the bloodlust finally started to kick in. I thought that I would be terrified of it after what I've been through...But this...This feels relieving.

They started laughing...I don't talk to be laughed at! Bastards....

Walter: This is going to be some war, don't you agree?
Alucard: Totally.
me: Yes, indeed.

We finally heard a loud bang noise.

Walter + me + Alucard: So it begins.

(*insert that dramatic image when you see only half of the face of everyone and you see the determination in their eyes*)

I and Alucard got our guns, he bit his and I kissed my Ocean of Screams. We stayed, back to back and shot every nazi bastard who dared to cross our paths. The Shinigami started to kill with his special strings, killing every one...Epic way to kill them, hehe.

Alucard: Raven, we need to separate. You go to the East, tell Walter to go West. I stay in the middle. When you think there are too many, or you just want to end this quickly, use the sword. Remember what you taught yourself and never lose your cool.
Me: Yes, Sir Alucard!
Alucard: One more thing. Stop the formalities, I am Alucard now. Take care.
me: Yes, Alu~! *smirk**wink*

As I was running to Walter, I could hear the Vampire laughing. Sooo funny, eh?

Bloody Elements~Alucard LSWhere stories live. Discover now