Life of the Party~

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I sat on my bed, in my bed,in my sports bra and shorts, looking and the mirror.
Why, you may ask? Well....I'm bleeding. I've been wounded in my last mission....In which I was alone.
I had to kill many ghouls and vampires all alone...And now I was trying to see where were the wounds, so I can heal them with my shadow element. The process may be a lot slower than that of vampires but...At least I won't die.
1 stab in the shoulder, 1 deep cut in the leg and various other cuts.

Why did this freaking happen? Why am I not strong enough?!

I mean...Heh...Come on...Hellsing has 2 freaking vampires. And...One of them is Alucard so....I guess they don't exactly ever needed me....Plus, there's Walter too, ya know?

I realized my lack of worth here last week, when the Valentine brothers massacre took place.
I literally did nothing.
Nothing to help.
Everyone did something, while I just stood there, watching fucking Adventure Time and eating Ice-Cream! WHAT kind of freaking IDIOT DOES THAT?
Well....Apparently me...

Sighing, I put a hand on my forehead and hanged my head, letting my tears of sadness and frustration run. I can't stay here.
I'm not needed here.
Not right now.
I have to get the hell away, before I cause more misfortune to everybody....I mean...I just gotta train more and become stronger, right? For fuck's sake, I can swear I was more powerful when I was 10, than now!AND I WAS A KID!

At least I know Alucard is here to protect Integra, so that's reassuring. I know I can leave...
But not today. I have a mission...I'm not alone anymore though....Alucard, Seras and some other guy, who's gonna come later today will also be there...


me: But,Integra! I can take care of myself, come on!
Integra: No! And that's final! I'm not letting you go in any more alone missions and that's final!
me: But it was only an accident! It won't happen again!
Integra: And what if it will? What if you die?
me: But I WON'T!
Integra: . . .No. You can go now.
me: COME ON!!
Integra: I SAID NO!
me: *sigh* *looking at the ground* Fine....*leaves* *slams the door*


So yeah.
That's how it was.
It sucks....
After 5 minutes, I get dressed and get downstairs to meet the new French mercenaries. The "Wild Geese" as they call themselves.
Keh...Bloody idiots...

There, stood an awkward Seras and Integra, explaining this bunch of idiots about the vampires they'll kill. They obviously didn't believe it.

They started laughing at what Integra said.
that's it.

me: Vous êtes des idiots. Il est évident que vous êtes stupide . Comment pouvez-vous ne pas croire dans le surnaturel , quand vous avez à lutter contre elle , surtout depuis que vous avez été payé pour le faire ! Êtes-vous sûr que vous pouvez faire face à cela? Ou êtes- vous pas préparé assez, mercenaires! (1)

Well...Let's just say they were surprised that I could speak French that good. Oh well, comes with the age.

me: Ne pas envoyer surpris que je peux parler français . Et aussi ... Seras est un vampire(2)

When they looked at how innocent she looked....This dude with long hair...He went to Seras, with a rather surprised look on his face.

dude: Wait a minute, you are a vampire?
Seras: *blushing embarrassed* Well...Yeah...I guess I am...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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