The Last Elementalist

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*Raven's PoV*

- When she was 9 -

I was running. Running as fast as I could.
Well...As fast as a 9 years old girl could run anyways....

Why am I running, you wonder? Because the Nazis are after me.


The bloody Nazis.

It's WW2 after all, what else were you expecting?
What do they want with me?
Well...Let's just say I was abducted...The rest you will find out later ~

Back to the story:

I entered in a thick forest and it was so dark, that I couldn't see in front of me...Horrible...Why is it always me?

Next thing I know, I trip over a freaking root and fall.
Of course I had to fall! I mean, why not? Just my luck!
Like always...

Just as I am about to get up, I'm being pushed to the ground...
Oh noo! They found me! The mad doctors! Why them? Why not...Bears or wolves? 
I can't even use my elemental powers, because....I didn't yet learn how to use them...I can't even do the simplest trick, like making a fireball in my hand...Or changing my hair into fire, when I am mad...
Pfff...This is my end...At least they will kill me...
In the luckiest case...

Doctor 1: Hey, little Raven, lets play a game!
me: *wide eyes* Noo...Please, no! ANYTHING BUT THAT! PLEASE!!!

They formed a circle around me, blindfolded me and started singing "Kagome Kagome"  or for you "Circle you, Circle you" and I am the Oni, or Troll. And if I don't guess the name of the person who is behind me, I will get beheaded.
I saw their weapons - Blunt, rusty bayonets...Not the best way of dying...

Doctor 2: Who is behind you?
me: *stuttering and crying* Umm uhh...It...Is...Uh....Hmmm...M..M...Michael???
them: WRONG!

I take off the blindfold, to see for myself that I wasn't being fooled...Michael was in front of me...Damn...

I started screaming and crying.
Maybe someone will hear...Maybe someone will have mercy and kill me faster...
Just maybe....

me: Mummy...Daddy...I love you...


I open my eyes and see that the doctors who were going to tear me apart were on the ground, bleeding.


But how did this happen?

-?-: Little girl, what is your purpose in this forest? What is your business with the Nazis?

I look behind me and see a tall man, with a big red trench coat, hat, cool goggles and epic gun.

me: is a very long story...Thanks for saving me...
-?-: I believe I have time. Don't you have a home to go to?
me: Actually, yes, I do have a home to go to. If you want, I can tell you the whole story when I get home...
-?-: That would be entertaining. I will get you to your home. Do you know where it is?
me: Thank you, Mr.Red.I live in the Element Village. Do you know what I am talking about?
Red: Yes...So, you are an Elementalist, little girl?
me: Yes, Mr. Red. Though, I can't use my powers yet, since I've been kidnapped and couldn't train with my mummy and daddy....
Red: Alucard. That is my name.
me: *eyes shine* Epic! That's Dracula spelled backwards! I am Raven, sir. Can we please go now?

He smirked and we start walking, but I see I'm limping.
From when I tripped.

As if him being tall and walking fast wasn't enough, my limp made me incredibly slow and desperate. I was so scared that he would leave me behind if I didn't follow him properly...So scared that I would lose my last ray of hope...
That is, until I look around, eagerly drying the tears falling down my face, trying to spot him again.

How did he disappear like that? Am I really that slow?

But those questions were answered when I finally felt myself being lifted high in the air and I squealed in surprise and fear. 

Bloody Elements~Alucard LSWhere stories live. Discover now