He had been playing with a pen in his hands and when she spoke he paused and looked at her.

He leaned forward in his chair towards her and spoke "The question is, what do you think?" he asked looking at her, his gaze was steady and eager to listen to what she had to say, she felt as if he was going to evaluate her based on her response.

She took a deep breath "I am not sure...I am not convinced this is the best course of action...but maybe..." she was rambling.

"Talk to your wolf, see what she says..." He nudged her.

She closed her eyes and leaned back, resting her neck on the top of the chair she was sitting on.

"She says, we are showing a sign of weakness, everyone else will view this comprise as a sign of weakness." Evelyn said, her eyes still closed.

"Do you agree?" Sebastian asked.

Evelyn stayed still with her eyes closed, it looked like she was having an internal conversation with her wolf.

After a few minutes she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I agree" She said with absolute certainty.

"I agree, as well" Sebastian said.

"But what do we do about it?" she asked.

"Let's define the problem first shall we? Do you think the alphas are an immediate threat?" He asked her.

"No. Not Immediate. I think" she said.

"Good" Sebastian nodded "You are right. But at the same time doing nothing is for sure going to escalate this situation."

"Well, the question remains what do we do about it?"

"Lets the twins start negotiation" Sebastian started "That should keep their adventurism in check, as long as they see the situation in their favor the alphas will not create problems."

"I sense a 'but' there..." Evelyn said.

He gave her a sly smile "But..."he said smiling "We will not be giving them what they want...will we?"

"How is that going to solve this problem?" she asked confused.

"Roma" Sebastian said "The questions is not what they want, the question is what we want."

"And what do we want?" She asked.

"We want to make a statement that dissent is not tolerated, after all we are not a democracy are we?" he grinned.

"We have our loyalists, I believe it's time we reward them for their loyalty to the crown."

"You mean..." she asked her eyes widening.

"The alpha's need to go Roma" Sebastian stated with absolute certainty "they are like a tumor, if not remove surgically promptly, they will spread and before you know this tumor will spread and become life threatening."

"Twenty five alphas" she whispered. She knew what he was telling her, the life of twenty five alphas would be forfeit with their decision here. How could one make such a decision? Twenty five lives!

"Today it is twenty five, sit on it and take no action and tomorrow it will be one hundred and twenty five." Sebastian stated. "Will that be an easier decision then?"

"What do you want to do?" She asked him after a minute of contemplation.

Sebastian looked at the list of alphas that Alex had left on the table and scanned through it. Yep, all of the troublemakers were here. As long as the old Roma was alive, they did not dare to do anything and now they were flexing their muscles.

Wrath of RomaWhere stories live. Discover now