I'm Here, We're All Here

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Your POV

Today's the day I found out whether or not I'm pregnant. The treatment Lauren and I have been doing should have worked and we should be expecting a mini Y/S/N running around.

I punch in the passcode to the bus and head for the bathroom, just as I get to the door Camila comes out with tears running down her face.
"Camz, baby what's wrong?" I asked and grabbed her wrist gently.

"Y/N I'm sorry but I'd rather not talk about it."
She mumbled out a response and left for her bunk.

"That was weird. Oh well better get to business" I thought to myself. 
I walked In and shut the door behind me, it's only Lauren and I that know obviously that we've been trying for a baby.

In case your wondering where she is, she's out with the girls having a meal while I find out, she's more acting as a distraction I guess. However Camila said that she wasn't feeling to good and decided to stay home, she's been sick quite a lot and has been more quiet and sad it seems. I've been hearing her crying more often than not, I've seen her cry three times, that includes today.

A small beep brings me out of my thoughts and I look down to see a positive test.
"YES! OMG YES!" I scream and feel tears running down my face.
I put the test down on the side of the sink to compose myself. Hold on.... what in the name of god is that?

When I put down the test I was holding, I see another sitting on the sink with a positive sign.... but how? I've only taken the one and I know Lauren isn't carrying as well.

I sat for a few minutes thinking and then it hits me, like really hits me. Camila! I run out of the bathroom and trip on my way to her bunk and pull back the curtain to see her lying on her side still crying.

"Camila? Camz I need you to talk to me. What's going on baby?" I carefully place my hand on her shoulder and turn her over to look at me while I crawl into the bunk with her.

She looks at me for a few seconds before breaking down again and sobbing her heart out into my shirt, I can't stand seeing any of my girls cry so for Camila to cry it breaks my heart.
I run my fingers through her hair and rub her back while telling her sweet nothings, after fifteen minutes of us being in that position she calms down and sniffles quietly.

"Y/N/N you're going to hate me! The girls are going to hate! I'm going to be kicked out of Fifth Harmony!" She wailed, I couldn't help but hold her closer to me.

"No baby no! That's not true okay? None of us hate you and whatever's happened just know that you will not be removed from this group okay? Now tell me what's happened you've not been yourself lately. It's okay I won't judge you or hate you or anything, let me help you besides I have a special surprise for everyone but I feel like you should know first Lauren kind of knows but not entirely."


Camila's POV

"You can do this, Y/N wants to help it's okay Camila just tell her" I say to myself and take a deep breath prepare for the worst.

"Y/N....... I'm pregnant." I say and look away from her, I can't take the silence. I feel her put her fingers under my chin to make me look at her, her face shows worry and confusion knowing I don't have a boyfriend and none of the girls are... well... intersex.

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