9. Different paths

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Legolas turned when he heard the human jump after, and turned to face him. He signed and walked up to the man, pushing him against the wall roughly and grasping his throat.

"When are you gonna understand? I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU. I feel nothing."

His grasp loosened a little, as if he doubted.
"I remember how I used to feel about you, and it was painful. I don't want that again."

Aragorn tried to claw at Legolas hands, and eventually the vampire backed a few steps. Aragorn took a few a few breaths before he faced Legolas again, who now stood further away.

"You will never have to go through that again. I didn't knew how you felt, now I do. I love you...Legolas."

Legolas looked at him with a weird look. It contained curiosity, but also doubt. But he looked more relaxed.

"I have a perfect life." Legolas said and crossed his arms.

"I am free."

"I know." Aragorn said, choosing his words carefully.
"And I won't take that away from you. I just want you to know that I love you."

Legolas frowned a little, but didn't move from the spot. His mind was spinning. He wanted to feel, but then he remembered the pain, and then he don't want to feel anymore.
'Aragorn mean it.' One part of his mind said, but the other one screamed 'He's lying. He wants you vulnerable.' 'No, it's Aragorn. He wouldn't lie.'

Legolas frowned deeper and Aragorn's instincts told him to run, but he didn't.

"Feel something Legolas, anything."

Legolas tried to, but he wouldn't let his walls fall.

Aragorn wanted to scare him to feel again, and sighed.
"If you don't you're gonna lose me forever."

Legolas looked straight at him, and Aragorn felt like he shrunk under the intense gaze.

"I love you, and I promise you'll never have to get through that pain again."

Legolas slowly, and doubting, reached out his left hand. Aragorn smiled relieved and reached out his right, but before they could touch Aragorn felt two fangs pierce the skin on his neck. He heard a scream saying 'stop' before everything went black.

"Don't hurt him!" Legolas exclaimed and tried to reach the man. The vampire turned around, blood covering his mouth and chin. He let the body drop to the ground, unmoving.

"I've heard enough. Why do you care so much about him? Didn't I take your emotions away?"

"I don't feel for him, but you have had your fun. Leave him alone." Legolas tried to act like he didn't care, and like he didn't look at the limp body, and it was hard.

"Looks like your emotions are back...love can do lots of things can't it? Well..I'll leave him on one condition." The vampire said casually and wiped his chin.

As Legolas nodded, he smirked.

"You'll let me feed on the queen instead. Then I'll turn your emotions off again."

Aragorn groaned and opened his eyes. He lay in the forest, in the shadow of a tree. As he opened his eyes colours were spinning, until he could finally focus on the crown of a big tree. He slowly sat up and rubbed his neck, and gasped as his fingers were coated in blood.

Vampires of Middle EarthWhere stories live. Discover now