4. Reviling the secret

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"What do you mean?" Aragorn asked, clearly confused.

"Aragorn..I'll explain it all, I promise you. But not now." Legolas said and gripped the reins tightly in his hands, making his knuckles go white.

Aragorn clenched his jaw not to say something he would regret. He hated when people shut him out.

"Don't shut me out Legolas!"

"I don't shut you out!"

"You do. My leg is hurting. How about you give me a explanation for this?!"

"How about you shut up!" Legolas screamed, hitting his limits. He didn't even care about Aragorn's leg. He didn't care about anything.

Shocked by the outburst, Aragorn shut his mouth. Legolas never yelled like that. He never has.

Legolas felt how his feelings were stronger. Anger becomes hate. Unanswered love becomes unbearable. He hated it, it felt like he had no control. Then his feelings came back, and so did the guilt.

"I'm sorry..."

That made Aragorn feel more worried. Where did these mood swings come from?

"It's alright Legolas..but..are you alright?"

Legolas wanted so badly to say no.


"Are you sure?"



Nodding, Aragorn didn't say anything more until they reached the stables.
Legolas felt like he wanted to hug Aragorn, so he did. They embraced, and Legolas whispered another 'I'm sorry' in his friend's ear.

Unfortunately his ear was placed just where Aragorn's artery is, and he could hear his blood pumping. He felt a shape pain in his gum, and hesitating rose a hand behind Aragorn's back to feel his fangs grow. He panicked turned away.

"Legolas?" Aragorn asked confused, already missing the warmth Legolas gave him.

"I'm sorry, I need to go."

Legolas ran to his room and locked himself in, not looking back once.
Once he was alone he smashed his fist against the wall with a cry, smashing a hole in the wall.
Shocked he pulled his hand back, and saw the blood pouring from it. The wound was healing in front of his eyes.

He didn't want to be a vampire. He never did.

He was hungry. So hungry. And what scared him was that he wanted blood. He wanted to suck out the blood from Aragorn's body until there was not a single drop left. But he couldn't, because he loved him.

He was a monster.

Shaking his head, he pulled at his hair as heavy tears began to fall.
Breathing hard he ran into the bathroom to wash the tears away. He looked into the mirror, and got stuck.
(Let's say they have mirrors idk if they have) His eyes was red, and the veins around then was visible. Tears soaked his whole face. His pointy ears was just gone. His ears was normal.

He gently touched under his eyes and drew back as it throbbed terribly.
Drawing in a shuddering breath he washed his face, and when he looked up again he was back to normal. His pointy ears was still gone, but he could live with that.

He went to bed, but couldn't fall asleep. Signing he walked outside and sat down on a bench.
He was hungry. So hungry.

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