3. Vampire

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Legolas went outside as the sun began to set, and breathed in the fresh air for a minute. He knew people looked at him weird because of the cloak he wore earlier, but tried not to care.
Aragorn joined him, and they mounted their horses. Riding towards the forest, they began to talk.

"So, why was you so panicked about me opening the curtains Legolas?" Aragorn  finally asked and eyed his friend suspiciously.

"Oh.." Legolas said, remembering.
"I had a headache." He lied, hoping Aragorn would believe it.

Aragorn nodded, believing it.
"Are you alright now?"

"Yes." Legolas smiled and turned to look at Aragorn, riding closer to his horse.
"Lets talk about you now Aragorn. How have you been?"

"I have been alright Legolas." Aragorn said, but Legolas noticed the sad tone.
His expression turning concerned and he asked.

"What's wrong?"

Aragorn looked beside him at his friend, and smiled sadly.
"You always manage to look through me."

"Aye. Now tell me." Legolas said and quickly looked forward where they were riding, and back to his friend.

"Something is wrong, I can see it." Legolas pressed, and Aragorn finally signed.

"Love problems."

"Oh." Legolas blinked, surprised.

Aragorn noticed Legolas lack of words, and smiled.

"It's alright."

Legolas opened and closed his mouth a few times, before he gave up and looked ahead.

Aragorn had love problems?
In a way Legolas hoped it had something to do with him, but it would ruin Aragorn's and Arwen's marriage.
Maybe he meant that he and Arwén had a fight?

"So, what have you been doing?" Legolas finally asked to break the tension.

"Well..." Aragorn said and picked up the pace, Legolas following right beside him.

"Eowyn and me have become very good friends, aside all."

"That's great." Legolas smiled, which reflected on Aragorn's face.
"Eowyn is also a good friend of mine."

"I know."

Legolas looked forward again so they won't ride the wrong path.
He saw in the corner of his eye how Aragorn looked at him for a moment, before he also looked forward.

Legolas believed that a competition would set Aragorn on other thoughts, and began to gallop. Aragorn laughed and rode after his friend, and the competition began.

He laughed and stood in the saddle, riding even faster. He heard Aragorn chuckle before they had to slow the pace. The horse's needed to save energy for the ride back.

Soon Legolas realised which forest they was it, and drew in a deep breath. Now he could get proof.

Aragorn noticed it, and looked at Legolas in worry.
"What's wrong? Do you hear something?"

Without answering, or even showing that he heard him, Legolas galloped into the forest.

"Legolas!" Aragorn said, shocked, before he rode after, entering the forest. He tried to dodge branches, but a few hit him anyway. Legolas didn't seem to care. After a few minutes Legolas stopped and dismounted. Aragorn did the same, and walked forward to his friend.

Vampires of Middle EarthWhere stories live. Discover now