8. Cold hearted

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They both looked over Legolas shoulder, and saw the other vampire with crossed arms. He looked disgusted.

"Surely, you know a vampire can't love."

Legolas frowned, and looked in pure hatred at the other vampire, who he now knew was a elf just like him.

"All feelings are higher..even love." Legolas said, and grabbed Aragorn's hand which the man squeezed hard.

"Hm. No one wants us vampires anyway, don't you wonder why we are so alone?"

"Why you are alone. I'm not".

Aragorn smiled a shaky smile, which Legolas looked back to return. The vampire laughed, making the couple once more look over Legolas right shoulder. When Legolas saw the mad look in his eyes, he lay a protective arm around Aragorn, holding into his arm tightly.

"You are mostly disturbing."

Legolas laughed humourlessly, making Aragorn flinch at the sound.

"You are disturbing."

"Show a 2000 year old vampire some respect."

Legolas body froze in fear. He was an Original. That's why he could be compelled by him.

"Now." The vampire uncrossed his arms and went over to Legolas. Legolas didn't move, nor did he show any fear of the other vampire. He only braced himself. Aragorn wanted so badly to back away, but he stood for Legolas sake.

"Aragorn, run." Legolas said, not looking away from the other vampire.
"He is gonna compel me. He is a Original, the oldest vampire in history. I have read about those, he can control my mind. I won't be able to stop myself."

"You could a minute ago." Aragorn said, refusing to give up hope.

"That was because he told me to kill you. He is smarter this ti..."

The vampire cut Legolas off by pressing him up against the tree. Aragorn reached out a hand, but was smart to didn't touch any of them. The vampire could easily snap Legolas neck if he wanted to. He let his hand rest in the air, prepared in case he needed to do anything.

Legolas struggled to breath when a hand cut off his air supply, and the vampire brought his face inches from his.

"Turn your emotions off."

Legolas eyes widen in fear.
"No. No I won't." He choked and desperate clawed at the vampire's hands to breath.

The vampire sighed.

"Your emotions is holding you back from living the free life a vampire deserves. Turn them off."


The vampire shook Legolas hard and smashed him against the tree, catching his eyes as they widen is surprise.

"Turn them off!!" He screamed, and Aragorn flinched, shakily breathing in and out in fear.

Legolas immediately relaxed, and the vampire let him go and stepped back, grinning from ear to ear.

"What did you do?" Aragorn asked in fear as Legolas eyes showed confusion, and nothing more.

"I fixed him."

Aragorn finally understood, and grabbed Legolas arms tightly.

"Legolas look at me."

The blue eyes slowly rose to meet the man's, and he smiled happily. Confused by the smile, Aragorn rose a hand to stroke his cheek.


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