23. Birthday...Shocks?

Start from the beginning

Mallory rolled her eyes at what she thought was a ridiculous assumption. "I know for a fact that he is no-...Wait a second, what do you mean like him?" She felt a slight blush creeping up to her cheeks.

"You know. Like like."

"Are we dealing with elementary school definition of 'like'?" Mallory gave a wry smile.

"You bet we are." Her mother winked, happy with the sudden change of topic. "Tell me it's not true."

"It's not!" Mallory said grinning.

"You have a crush on him." Eva said and this time it was a statement.

"Even if I do, I cannot talk about it with you. It's just weird." She said still grinning. It was as if she forgot the conversation they were having minutes ago. Her mother smiled at her daughter's childishness. That's how she liked her. Smiling. Always.

"Alright. I'll stop it." Eva said, unable to hide the grin that was creeping up on her lips.

"So, you really think he's lying." Mallory said suddenly, her smile fading.

"I don't know. Not lying, but..." Eva picked up the packed gift and put it in a bag.

"Mom, I told you. Not everything can be coincidence."

"Okay. Let's just say, I believe you. But have you ever wondered why didn't Emily ever introduce you to her brother? I mean you were best friends. And why didn't he ever visited? Where was her brother all this time?"

"I...I don't know. I am pretty sure, she had a good enough reason..." She trailed off, her mothers words hitting her like a truck full of bricks. Suddenly she wasn't sure about anything.

"I didn't want to do this. But...okay. Tell me, did Emily mention Cole often?"

"Not really. I mean it was just a couple of times. Like when something reminded her of him."

"And was she happy whenever she mentioned it?"

"Mom, what are you getting at?" She said dumbfounded.

"Just answer it."

"No. She was always sad. But I figured it's because she missed him..." Mallory said, her hands shaking. As vague memories flashed in her mind.

I miss him. Emily always said that. But what did that really mean?

"Okay. Listen to me. I didn't want to tell you this. But, I think you should know." Eva took her daughter's hand. "I was talking to Will the other day. And well, we ended up talking about Emily's family. And he told me something."

"What? What is it, mom?!?" Mallory asked frantically.

Her mother sighed. "Cole, Cole Clout is dead."

• • •

The drive to Ben's place was too short. It was as if Mallory's body was mechanically driving to her best friend's house. It had been a few hours since her mother told her. And her mind still couldn't comprehend it all. Cole Clout was dead. He had been dead for more than six years. How was it possible?

She was so sure, so sure that Andrew was lying. But it turned out he wasn't. But he did mention his sister. So was it just unfortunate that both his sister and his 'apparent lover' were captured by the same gang. She shrugged, unable to think anymore. Her mind was in state of complete chaos while her nerves were jittery.

As she saw the familiar iron gates to her best friend's house, she took in a deep breath. The guard, recognising her, immediately opened the gates and she drove further towards the driveway. She parked her car and waited for a couple of minutes, composing herself.

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