Chapter Hundred and Eleven

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"Three more minutes!", Louise sings when we all go outside to watch the fireworks from there.

I am walking along with Zoe to my left and Louise's lovely sister to my right. We keep chatting about so many random things that I almost forget about the person I want to spend this moment the most.

But I quickly get reminded when I feel two long arms wrap around my cold torso, stopping me from walking any further.

"Three minutes.", Dan whispers and twirls me around.

I am about to kiss him on the lips when he turns, my lips meeting his cheek and my nose taking in the smell of tequila.

"Wait till midnight, baby.", he slurs.

"How much did you drink?", I ask him.

"Notalot.", he says, the three words sounding like one.

I turn my head away to escape the stinging smell: "You smell so bad."

"Two minutes!", someone calls.

"I really didn't drink a lot, justlikea bit of, um, like- tequila?"

"A bit. Definitely.", I say in a slightly annoyed tone. He was telling me he is so excited to spend this day with me for the last couple of days but now blows it all off by getting really drunk.

"Oh come on, baby."

I sigh and look up at his eyes that seem lost and tired: "Why did you drink so much? You never drink this much."

"I didn't even drink that much. Just a few shots and a few cocktails and maybe a few glasses of-"

"So you drank a lot.", I answer.

"I mean, I didn't want to at first but Joe-", he begins but gets cut off by someone yelling: "One more minute!"


"A minute. I'll explain later.", he now says and pulls me closer by my bum, resulting in me rolling my eyes.: "Whatever."

"Y/N, baby. Thank you. Thank you so much for this past year. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else and I am so happy you forgave me and my stupid mistakes and that you are my girlfriend right now. Like how is this possible? This creative, smart, humerous girl that is also so breathtakingly beautiful is my girlfriend. I really don't deserve you but you make me the happiest person on earth. Everything about you. From the little weird habits you have to how strongly you feel about others. I love it. I love you, Y/N and I will love you as long as I possibly can."

Before I can properly reply and tell him how in love I am, everyone else starts the countdown.

"I love you Dan. Thank you for everything, you mean the world to me."






Dan smiles down at me shyly, slowly leans in and kisses me softly when the fireworks go off in the back, making me feel like we are the only people standing.

But we soon get reminded that we aren't the only ones, when our friends come to us to wish us a happy new year.

After a little more celebration, we all walk back to Louise's house, Dan and I hand in hand just like last year.

A little separated from the group, I ask him about what he told me earlier: "What did you say about Joe earlier?"

Rubbing his head, he replies: "He just kept bringing me a lot of drinks and wanting to do shots with me."

"Okay? That's pretty... random."

Whenever Joe drinks, he will get even more social and see everyone as his best friend, encouraging them to drink with him.

I wonder why exactly Dan is his 'victim' tonight, they aren't great friends after what happened between us.

After a little investigation, Dan tells me that he is being extremely friendly and even offered him drinks when he was still sober, making it seem like intoxicating my boyfriend is his main purpose tonight.

:DAN | danxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now