Chapter Seventy

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I wake up fairly early the next morning. Next to me is still Dan, who I kiss before I get up to put on some clothes on my still naked body.

I grab his tshirt that lays on the floor from the night before, put it on and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Arriving in the kitchen, I see my phone laying on the table.
I sit down while the stove is heating up and read the messages I got.

Zoe: Hey, how are you babe?
Y/N: Really good, hbu?
Zoe: Woa, why up so early? Where are you atm?
Y/N: Had a pretty early night and I'm at home x
Zoe: Well that's unusual, how is Dan?
Y/N: Pretty good I would say, he's still sleeping lmao.
Zoe: Ooooh, I see ;-)
Y/N: Ohmygod.
Zoe: Jk, call me later, gtg x
Y/N: Bye xx

Just as I hit 'send', Dan walks into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes with just his boxers on: "I figured you were wearing my shirt.", he laughs and comes over to kiss me.
"I'm sorry.", I laugh, "you okay? How's jetlag?"
"It's okay. I look hideous.", he says pointing to all of the scratches and hickeys on his upper half.
I laugh and stand up to kiss him before I leave the kitchen and order him to make us food while I go to get ready for the day.


I come back to some pancakes and hot drinks prepared for us.

While I am stuffing my face with the food, I notice Dan starring at me and smiling.

"Do I have something on my face mate?",
I ask him, wiping my mouth.
"No, you are just really gorgeous."

Blushing, I pick up the dishes and
put them in the washer.

Since today is Saturday, we have nothing to do, so we just sit on our laptops when all of a sudden he asks me: "What happened with Zoe, Alfie and Joe?"

I sigh before telling him: "Okay, so basically, Alfie told Joe he was better for me because Alfie wanted to use Joe to make you jealous."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know, um- Alfie fell for me."

"Excuse me?", he says and throws his laptop to the side.

I explaine all of the details, watching his anger grow.

"I can't believe this.", he says and buries his face in his hands, "why does every bloody guy fall for you. Do they not get that we love each other?", he says and looks up at me with teary eyes.

I pout and place my hand on his cheek: "I don't know, babe. All I know that I only love you.", I say and kiss him.

He sighs and falls back onto the couch, crossing his arms in front of him: "But how does the press know about this? It's a hundred percent either Alfie or Joe."

"Don't say that, babe. They made mistakes but they apologised. Plus why would they want to harm their image?"

"Well, who else knows about all of this?"

I sigh: "Well I only talked about it with you, Alfie, Zo and Joe. I don't know about the other ones."

"Can you maybe ask Zoe?", he says and grabs my hand, kissing it softly.

"Yes, she wanted me to call her anyways."

I get up and steal one last kiss before dialing Zoes number.

Just after two rings, she picks up: "Hello! How's it going?"
"Good, good. How about you?", I ask her.
"Okay, I guess."
"I'm glad you're better, Zoe. What did you want to talk about anyways?"
She sighs: "Um- just wanted to know if you want to help me move tomorrow?"

Zoe told me about her plans of moving to a new house on her own ages ago, so I obviously agree to help her.

"One more question: Who did you tell about the whole drama revolving us, because of the press, you know?"

"Oh just my best friends."

:DAN | danxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now