We both sat down at our usual seats. I sat all the way at the back of the class while Joey sits in front of me.

"Hey Connie" I heard that dreamy voice behind me. "Hi Riley.." I stared at him as he sat down next to me.

"Ooh! Riley! Connie was having a study session later. Wanna come?" Joey raised her eyebrows.

"Since when did I say I was having one?!" I whispered in her ear so that Riley won't hear.

"Sure thing. Tests are coming up. Can't really cope." Riley actually bought it.

"Err...ok then..." I smiled. Riley is actually coming to my house!

The door suddenly flew open! Everyone in class averted their eyes to the door. There came.... our English teacher, Ms Jones.

"HELLO class! Settle down and let's start!" Everyone reluctantly sat down at their seats. But there was 4 empty seats. Ms Jones started taking attendance like every morning.

Usually the class should have no empty seats... one of the seats belongs to Randall Jacksons! He didn't come today? Awesome!

My heart did a little cheer.

"Connie Colls"

"Here" I raised my hand

"Okay... Randall Jacksons?"


"Randall Jacksons?"


Yes! He is really not here!

Then, the damn door flew open again. I glanced at the door and my heart shattered.

There stood Randall Jacksons with 3 other girls surrounding him.

"Excuse me Mr Jacksons. Detention for being late. You three too." Ms Jones glared at them.

"Whatever." Randall just released himself from the other girls' arms and went back to his seat.


Shit! I forgot to put on silent mode! I unlocked my phone, switched it to silent and looked at the text message.


"Hey.. Randall came. Fked up rite? Bored~ -Joey"

I quickly typed her a response and looked up occasionally to make it look like I was paying attention.

"Yeahh... I was happy that he didnt come but he did... -Connie"

Oh! Another message so fast? I didn't know Joey could type fast.

I glanced at the message.

It isn't from Joey... Riley?

"I'm bored... Plus Im looking forward to later:) -Riley"

My heart skipped a beat when I got his text. I replied him instantly.

"Rly? Me too. English class=Nap.


I looked at Riley and saw him laughing quietly.

"Ikr? Its boring. See you later at lunch:) -Riley"

Huh? Why lunch?


Oh thats why. I can't believe that 2h have passed already. Goshh... Gee, Time for French. After French is lunch!

Ms Jones left the classroom once the bell rang. Hm... Guess Ms Jones was also dying to leave. It's hard being a teacher.

"Hey. You have French next right?" Joey asked as she picked up her books.

"Huh...? Yeah..." I stood up from my seat and slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Lucky you. I'm having Science with Mr Forges. I bet he is gonna keep reminding us of the elements, compounds....." Joey continued.

Well, I guess thats worse compared to being in a class with that gay-like Mr James.

"I know right?" Riley stood up. "Science is worst. But Mr James is...err..."

"Gay? Yeah." I completed his sentence.

"I heard he flirts with guys during class. Phew. Im SO glad I didn't take French." Riley smiled, relieved.

Mr James actually does flirts with guys in class. He gives guys all the A's while the girls gotta work really hard to get a freaking A. Guess how Randall get A's for french? You flirt back. Unfairness...

"Sorry guys. Gotta go. See you guys at lunch. Mr James hate late students." I walked towards to the door.

"I thought he doesn't?" Joey asked, curious.

I looked back and replied "Well, Im not a guy." I dashed out of the door and down the hallway to Mr James class.



How was it? Okay? Well, will be updating soon. Although it's break but still need go back school:C

Yeahhh... So please>




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