(T'sB:2nd semester: 7) Can you feel the love tonight!?(XXXX)

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And needless to say, it was tiring but I had way much more work to do
Soon the bell rang and we rushed down to the chorus room, of course, I stayed behind awkwardly with sean but the funny thing is I forgot about Amy I noticed she wasn't there.

"Where's Amy?" I asked.

" she transferred schools," Sean said.

"Oh," I said shocked.

I wanted to surprise everyone so I told Sean I was going to the bathroom and waited till I watched everyone go inside the classroom that's when I got my stuff and walked in.

"Well, where's my welcome back banner?" I asked

Almost everyone clamored me and was hugging me asking where I've been.

"I was gone one day but I was a bit sick bad stomach ache. But it doesn't matter because guys I've got a song we will need a lot of props for this one it's going to be huge!" I say excitedly.

"Alright but before you go into your grand scheme lets warm up," Sean says.
Everyone goes to their seats and we do warm-ups.

Afterwards, we practice the song.
Soon rehearsal was over,

"Ok guys now lets talk props and attire for this song. Guys, I want you in black ok black vest with a white button up t-shirt I doesn't matter if it's long or short sleeved, black fedora, black pants and black dress shoes or more preferably black converse as well as a black umbrella and also I need everyone to buy at least one bag or so of shiny blue confetti of any shade. as for my girls black trench coats black pants and black boots any kind if you plan on wearing heels bring them to rehearsal to make sure you can work in them cause I don't need anyone falling on their butt. You will also need a black umbrella capiche?" I asked,

Everyone said yea

"Great in a week we will be starting dance rehearsals soo I need everyone to be practicing your part double time because we are behind on time I know we have two more weeks that seems very little to mee so we need to get on it practice in the shower while your getting dressed doing your homework, on break at work, while walking your dog or taking care of grandma Betsy!!" I say

Everyone laughs and agrees.

" great duces!!" Everyone leaves.

Then it was just me and sean.....

"Sooo." Sean says."how have you been?"

"I've been fine I just need time to think and breathe." I say." well thanks for asking I have to go I have dances to create." I gather my things and leave.

I cant look at him without seeing him and Amy kiss and having constant voice s yelling at me calling me names and telling me to just end it with him.

But I cant because I just love him too much he's been the highlight of my dull life he's made me the person I am now,

I go to my studio and practice a few dances:
I take off my shoes.

I put in my wireless earbuds and close my eyes and escape reality and just flow with the music

Soon at the end of the song, I found myself sitting down in front of the mirror staring at my reflection or more like my child self.

Me with the big (eye color) wondrous eyes, and long (hair color.) In two pigtails in a floral dress with pink tights underneath holding a small brown teddy bear with a smile on her face.

Teacher's Badass >>>Jacksepticeye X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat