(T'sB:2nd semester: 4) Had a bad day.

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February 1st, 20XX

your pov:

Sean and I haven't been talking much cause we've both been busy with life. I'm kind of scared we're falling apart

I wake up and get dressed:

I wake up and get dressed:

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Then I go to school. In 4 weeks we would be off for the sing-offs and we don't have a song! I really want to do something different! Special but I cant think of a song I mean yea we won last semester cause we stood out. But I don't wanna do something like last year!
So the whole walk I kept thinking of songs, going through my playlist nothing hit me with that wave of EUREKA!!

I went to school went through as always and it was horrible.
Pop quiz n first period I forgot about my test for science and I have to deal with glee and chorus....so yea I was pretty much pissed off by 4th period.
I sit down in my chair,

"Yo whore." She said,

"What did you call me?"

"Whore what are you gonna do call mommy or daddy oh wait you cant you don't have anybody to love you."

That's when I lost it I took my shoes off as well as my earrings, got up pushed her char over and started punching the shit out of her she started screaming sean rushed in and took me to the principal's office,

He had a tight grip on my arm

"Let go of me, McLoughlin!" I yell.

"No what's wrong with you today?!"

I continued to try and yank my arm away but his group only got tighter,
Soon I arrived at the principal's office sean left me there I sat down in the chair in front of the principal he did not look pleased but I don't give two fucks about how he feels right now.

"Now tell me why you are here again!" Mr.Dahlberg asked.

"Because I got in a fight duh!" I say.

"Watch your attitude missy! You were on the right path what happened!?"

"Well, you know your little star student everyone's favorite girl Amy has been doing nothing but insulting me for the past  few weeks I've been in chorus I haven't done a damn thing to her and today oh yea she pushed my fucking button by talking shit about my parents!!" Yell.

"That's still no excuse for continuously beating a kid's face!!"

"Well mr.dahlberg if you look in my portfolio you just might find that my mom dies when I was 10 and my dad put me up for adoption at 10 and I've been in a foster care for 6 years before I was able to get  my own house and she thought it was funny to bring up my hell of a past you can whatever the hell you want about me but never ever talk about my family!!"

Mr.dahlberg stood speechless.

"So what detention?suspension or are you gonna expel me?" I ask.

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