(T'sB:2nd semester: 8) Inner battles...

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Warning: this chapter contains depressing content if you have or are presently dealing with depression please wait or go to the next chapter.

Your pov:

He was clean cut but all of his hair was gone.
I didn't know what to feel about his sudden appearance... I had so many emotions.
Happiness, sadness, anger what else do you feel when your comes back after 3 years?!

"Hey, kiddo." He said smiling his voice was normal like I remembered as a child.

"Um uhh, well come in I guess," I say letting him by.

He looks around."A Very nice home you've got here." He says.

"Um, thanks look I'm gonna go get properly dressed," I say walking to my room.

He smiles. "Ok kiddo."

I go into my room to see Sean is still sleeping. I hope it stays that way till my dad leaves.

I put on Sean's sweatpants and walked out.

I had soo many questions running through my head.

"Soooo uh dad...first off how did you find out where I live?"  I asked confused.

"I went to your social worker and asked her where you las lived she gave me this address i just had hope to find you here and I did." He says smiling.

I give him a weak smile.

"You look so much like your mother."

"I'm sorry if this comes off rude but why are you here? why do you decide after three years to show your face to me?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure I really did make the right decision for my daughter."

"I'm not really your daughter."

"Biologically you are."

"Ok so why are you here really?"

"I want to catch up with you get to know you more I know I didn't play much of a role in your life but I want to try and change that."

"Where have you been all this time?"

"In America."

I felt heat boil inside of me but I quickly calm down.

"Do you think maybe after you go to work we can talk?"

"I don't have a job I'm still in high school but I have a studio so I guess I can call that work but yea whatever," I say.

"Great." He says smiling. He got up and gave me a hug but I refused to hug back."I guess I had that coming." He said.
He showed himself to the door then went out.

I pinched myself repeatedly. Hoping I'm hallucinating.

But I'm not...

I went into the bedroom and sat up on my bed holding my knees.

"Who was that?" Sean asked in a sleepy voice.

"...it was uh....m-my dad," I say.

Sean automatically sat up and turned on the lamp.


"Yea it was my dad he looked shiny and newish he looked old and bald."

"Are you ok?"



"What did he want?"

"He wanted to play catch up with me so I told him after school."

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