(11) Our time to shine!!

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Your pov:

"You have to no body else can step in and do it but you can," Mia says.

"Alright," I say.

"Yay now let's go see her," Tina says.

We go to Alex's room.

"Hey." She says smiling weakly,

"Hey, Alex," I say. "I heard you're high off painkillers is it fun?" I joke.

"The funnest." He says smiling weakly, "Sorry I had to be a stupid cluts now you have to take my place."

"Hey hey you're not stupid a bit of a cluts yes but no body's perfect."

" I really don't wanna miss the competition," Alex says

"You won't I promise I'm gonna force mr.mcloughlin to record we are gonna win this in your honor I promise," I say taking her hand and smiling at her.
She smiled back at me.

My mom was slowly dying I could see it on her face but she was smiling though.
"Hey, kiddo." She said weakly smiling at me.

"Hey, mommy are you coming home?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come home ever hun."

"What do you mean?" I asked on the verge of tears,

"Honey mommas going back to heaven to be with grandma and grandpa."

"Mommy I don't want you to leave," I say crying.

"Hey, hon don't worry ill always be with you and I'll always be watching over you I promise." She said weakly a tear fell down her face. "come lay next to momma ill sing you a lullaby." She said smiling.

I laid next to her and put my hand on her chest and listened to her heartbeat.she ran her frail shakey hands through my hair as she sung very weakly." you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey. You have no idea how much I love you....." her heart monitor began to go faster and faster" please don't take my sunshine.....away." her heart monitor when flat.

I heard her heart stop "M-momma?" I said crying. "MOMMY?!!" the nurses came in and my dad took me away.

"Mommy nooooo!!" I screamed.

A tear slipped down my face.

"Hey (y/n) are you ok?" Alex asked.

"Uh, yea I better get home and practice for tomorrow," I say smiling at her then left.

All the girls left afterwards I called Sean and he came and picked me up. The car ride was silent for a little while. Bus sean like he always dos breaks the silence,

"How is she?" Sean asked.

"She's not gonna be able to perform but she's fine," I say smiling weakly.

"Whats wrong?" Sean asked worried,

"It's nothing," I say looking down.

"(Y/n) tell me please I can tell somethings bothering you."

"Um when I saw Alex today she was in the same hospital room my mom died in and when she smiled at me it triggered a memory." A tear falls down my face I quickly wipe it away.

We pulled up at his house and went inside and sat on the couch. "What was it a memory of?" Sean asked.

"My moms final moments," I say choking on tears. "I remember seeing her on the bed covered in bandages the only thing not covered in bandages was her arms and face her voice was weak and frail she was very pale and she gave me a weak smile she tried to smile through it all through explaining she was dying by saying shes joining grandma and grandpa in heaven but then she asked me to lay beside her so she could sing me a lullaby she sung her favorite song you are my sunshine and when she died I was in her arms. I listened to her heartbeat stop" I say crying.

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