(6) Revenge... Prt.1

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Your pov:

I woke up, took a shower and got dressed:

Afterwards, I went to school walked past the chorus room without 2nd thought or step and went to my locker and when I opened it I found a note inside

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Afterwards, I went to school walked past the chorus room without 2nd thought or step and went to my locker and when I opened it I found a note inside.

Dear (y/n),

Please here me out let me explain what I meant. Meet me at the gym today, please.

I rolled my eyes and put the note in my pocket went downstairs went into the chorus room rushed past him and slammed the note on the desk.

"What are you 16?" I asked. Then I left the chorus room and continued on through the day.
Then came to the chorus class to meet the girls.

"Good afternoon girls," Mr.Mcloughlin said once we all sat down.

"Hey," all the girls say

Except me. "Sup," I say.

"Well before we all go off to the mall I want you guys to know you have to stick together," Sean said,

"Most of us are 18 we can handle ourselves," Mia says.

"True," I say.

"But I'm responsible for all of you and I'm not gonna take that risk in letting you go by yourselves."

"Its whatever I think shopping would be fun together anyways right?" Tina asked

"Yea." We all said,

"So whos car are we driving?" I asked

"We are using the bus," Sean says.

"Come on!!" I say.

"Nope, we are using the bus." He says

We all groan and moan.

"It's not that bad," Sean says.

"To you, cause you're old," Maria says.

We all laugh.

We all go to the bus parking lot and get on the activity bus and the bus driver drives us.
Sean in the front and all of us in the back two in a seat. I was sitting with Alex we were all talking about how excited we were and just about everything else that we could talk about. I took my beats pill out of my backpack and took out my phone.
I went through my playlists and played
BO$$ By 5th harmony.

The girls are squealed I laughed. And we all sung crazily and out badly we didn't care we were having fun. At the stop lights we would dare to get up and dance for a bit then sit back down. I continued to play different songs and have a good time.

Then we arrived at the mall.
We all got off giggling and laughing.
We went inside and visited many stores all goofing around every now and then we were lucky we didn't get kicked out sometimes.
Soon we all got hungry and went to the food court.
We got two giant pizzas sean pitched in and helped me pay for it. Once we all ate we saw someone get up on a stage.

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