[16] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants

Start from the beginning


Sebastian tightened his grip on my hand before he replied, “That’s why we’re here. I come here seeking your assistance in finding out who did this to Kate.”

“But of course, but you do remember my price, don’t you.” Sebastian simply nodded his expression hard.

I have a bad feeling about this.

“Come in, come in, we have much to discuss,” Bradena said walking back into the room. Sebastian and I followed Bradena through the door, the room was oddly dark and gloomy you could even say sinister compared to her glowing appearance.

The only light in the room was from a small lamp in the far corner, filling the large room with a faint grain of light. I could only see the two couches in front of us illuminated by the fire.

“Sit, sit,” Bradena said cheerily from her casual pose on the couch, a goblet in one hand. Sebastian and I sat across from her, a long wooden coffee table the only thing separating us.

Bradena suddenly raised her hand and snapped, instantly the door

behind us swung shut, the lock loudly clicking into place.

“Sebastian,” I whispered softly.

“Yes Kate,” he whispered back bending his head closer to mine so we were at eye level.

“What’s a mate?”

“No need to whisper my dear, I may be a witch but I can still hear as good as any vampire,” Bradena abruptly said making me blush in embarrassment.

“Sebastian I’m appalled, how could you not tell her such a precious thing as this, I mean what’s gotten into you lately," Bradena said shaking her head. Sebastian opened his mouth to retort, but Bradena carried on, “But no worries I’ll explain everything. Kate, darling, a mate is what you humans refer to as one’s ‘soul mate’, your ‘other half’, your ’one true love’, yada yada yada you get the picture. For vampires it's slightly different, like Sebastian over here. He’s been waiting over two hundred years for you, so you can just imagine what must have be running through his head when he caught your scent. When you find your mate the dark animalistic side takes over doing whatever it takes to get their mate and mark them as their own.”

Well that explains why Sebastian killed my parents they were protecting me and stopping him from taking me. It also explains why I feel such a strong connection to him. Even the slightest of touches sent my body into a frenzy, always leaving me wanting more. It’s also the reason why I feel so empty when we’re apart.

“So, tell me, how long have you two been together”, Bradena asked curiously.

“Almost a week, but we had met a month before”, Sebastian said his thumb subconsciously rubbing a soothing circle along my hand. I tried to stop the memories of that first encounter with Sebastian from filling my head. The only things I could remember from that fateful day were the deaths of my parents, and the sense of utter helplessness as he stood before my mother and I in my room. I don't know if I'll ever be able to think about it without breaking out into tears.

"I'm surprised Sebastian, knowing your utter lack of patience I would have assumed you had marked her the minute you met her. Not to mention that would have prevented this whole dilemma from occurring in the first place," she said raising her eyebrow.

"Believe me I wanted nothing more than make her mine for the whole world to see, but I had already taken so much from Kate that," Sebastian turned his head meeting my gaze before continuing, "I wanted to gain your trust. Give us the chance to interact with one another like other humans going on dates, watching movies and trying to woo you with gifts like other human males. But Kate, I have loved you with all my heart since the first time I came across your scent; I would have gladly given up my life then and there for you even though we had never met. I also wanted to wait until you felt the same way about me before I marked you as mine for eternity."

I was utterly speechless, all the doubts I had now seemed inconsequential and non-existent at the sound of those three words. “You…you love me Sebastian,” I whispered, tears starting to blur my vision.

“Of course I love you,” Sebastian said holding both my hands, gazing straight into my eyes, “I regret killing your parents and taking you away from your family, but they were the only obstacles standing in my way of being with you. I was blinded by the need to be near you, close to you, and hold you in my arms, that I didn’t realize the pain I was causing you at the same time. I’ve wait so long for you that I didn’t want to lose you when I just found you. Can you ever forgive me Kate?”

 Sebastian's eyes revealed the untold story of the ragging war within him. The pain of seeing me cry, the guilt of knowing it was his own doing, it was all there laid out in the open for me too see. He was exposing himself, leaving him vulnerable and utterly defenceless for me to decide his ultimate fate.

“Sebastian I-I understand now why you did what you did and I forgive you because you panicked and its normal to be afraid. I just wish you could have handled it better, but we all make mistakes, it’s a part of life,” I whispered softly watching Sebastian’s eyes turn completely blue.

“Aww, aren’t you two the cutest couple,” Bradena cooed, a huge smile on her lips. I blushed as Sebastian placed his arm around my waist pulling me into his side, placing a quick kiss on my cheek making me blush an even deeper shade of red.

“Now let’s get down to business. Kate show me the mark,” Bradena said placing her hand on the table. I moved to the end of the couch cushion so I could put my right elbow on the table. Bradena grabbed my arm leaning over the table as she traced the mark with her index finger, her eyes closed. A minute later her eyes opened the jaded green now a fluorescent purple. “I have never seen a mark this powerful in my entire entity. I can’t even see who it belongs to because its blocking my powers.”

I felt a heavy ache within my chest as the weight of the situation hit me. Someone marked me and they were going to take me away from Sebastian when we finally worked out the feelings we had for one another.

“Kate shhh. It’s okay, I won’t let anyone take you away from me,” Sebastian said softly as he pulled me to his chest gently wiping away a tear I didn‘t notice was there. 

“Nothing can take you away from me Kate. I will get that mark off of you if it’s the last thing I do,” Sebastian said with such conviction I almost believed him.

“Sebastian if a demon’s mark is anything like a vampire marking their mate then there’s nothing you can do,” I said sadly.

“There’s always a loop hole Kate, you just have to find it.”

“I will bring this to the attention of my coven immediately and see if anyone has any knowledge of the demon this mark belongs to,” Bradena said raising from her perch. “But first Sebastian, I want my payment.”

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