Sasuke X Reader X Itachi (••)

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(Part 2-
Itachi x Reader half/chapter part~)

Third person PoV

You were over at the Uchiha estate, once again, after many years. Knocking on the door gently, you grinned when you heard the same old voice of your mother's close friend, Mikoto.

"Hello?" She opened the door with a questionable face, that same face soon turned into a smile when she saw the young girl standing at her front entrance. "____?! Is that you? My, you've grown!" She said as she jumped on you for a hug.

You hugged back chuckling slightly "Hello Mrs. Uchiha, long time no see"

"Drop the act, you can call my Miko" she smiled "common in" Miko cheered as she grabbed your arm and dragged you inside. "Would you like anything to drink? Tea perhaps?"

"Yeah sure, I'm up for a cup"

She made the tea and sat you on the couch handing you the warm cup.

"So ___, tell me how've you been," Miko asked sipping on her cup.

"Great! Actually I-" you were interrupted by a familiar childhood voice.

"Mother is my laundry done?" There out of the hall popped up Itachi... shirtless.

You did a spit take once you saw how he was dressed and almost choked on your tea, coughing and everything.

"_-___?!" He looked surprised for a moment before running back to his room and getting what you think was his shirt.

"Aww how cute, your first time seeing each other and it ends up being like this" Miko giggles beside you "anyways, ___ is there a specific reason you came?"

Taking a minute to get rid of the huge blush on your face, ____ nodded "oh uh y-yes Miko I came to see Sasuke originally" you said hoping to see your boyfriend.

"Ah" she nodded her head "he's away now, something about having a project with an idiot called Naturo and Sakura. You're welcome to stay here until he comes back. Oh, perhaps you could join us for dinner?!"

"Thank you" ____ shot her a smile.

"Hey ____ long time no see" Itachi came through the door, fully clothed this time.

You smiled and got up "too long" ____ grinned and hugged him.

He hugged back chuckling "look at you, still shorter than me"

"Well Itachi you just wait" ____ pouted.

He smiled and patted her head "come to my room" Itachi went towards the door gesturing you to follow.

You said your goodbyes to Miko and left with him.

Itachi led you through his door and in his room, locking it.

"So Itachi" you jumped on the bed "how've ya been?"

He blushed a tiny bit looking away, standing still by the door way "it wasn't the same without you ____"

You gave a soft smile "I'm sorry, you know I had no choice. My parents had to move"

"It doesn't matter, you're here now aren't you-" he walked toward you and sat on the bed beside you "back to us-" he continued bringing his hand to your cheek caressing it softly "back to me"

"I-Itachi what are you doi-"

"I love you ____, I always have, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked with hope in his eyes "you're finally back, so I thought I should just cut the cr*p and ask you"

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