Chapter 2: The Strong

Start from the beginning

Realistically, those two factors could be highly compromised with the infuriated state that the two were in when they stormed out. Yami had made up her mind. "I have to make sure Shirazu doesn't do or say anything that will cause a fight!" She said aloud, rushing out of the home.

The door closed for a third time, though this time the sound of departure didn't echo.


It was late, which made the backstreets of Tokyo empty of law-abiding civilians. That is, excluding a loud pair of males and a stoic girl at a distance behind them. Their voices reverberated off the graffitied brick of the alleyways, Urie's footsteps became louder as his pace quickened, and Shirazu's rage only accelerated when the distance between him and the Squad Leader grew. "Squad Leader, you've got some nerve!" The Shirazu yelled, jogging slightly to catch up with his technical superior. "Work in a team, man! Even Sasaki said so! Maybe if you did we would have found Torso by now! Or better yet! Stop taking cases that don't belong to you! I need money for my sister, not stupid draw-backs because of you!"

Urie's steps, that borderline on being identified as stomps, came to a sudden halt. "I have no intention to work under Investigator Sasaki." He growled, his body still facing away from Shirazu. Distantly, he heard heavy panting and feet smacking against the pavement. They approached closer before stopping somewhere behind Shirazu. The scent that came with it was begrudgingly familiar. Peppermint... Yami's natural smell. Urie sighed, "I'm going to get promoted and go to the S3 squad."

S3 squad? Yami's thoughts screamed. The squad that Investigator Arima leads.

"What the hell is the S3 squad?" Shirazu sneered, the anger still pumping through him.

Urie murmured something incoherent, almost the sound of a chuckle, before strengthening his voice once more, "Idiots like you don't need to know." He finally whirled his body around to Shirazu and Yami, though his attention was fully given to the former. Truthfully, Urie wished Yami would disappear. To him, her presence was distracting him from fully expressing his fury. He knew that if things became too serious for her to handle she would immediately call for Haise; and if called upon by her, he would be here in no less than a second. "So, stop holding me back!" It was the loudest he had ever raised his voice around either of the two.

Yami was making him this way... her presence was only pushing him further to the edge. It always did, for whatever reason. He'd always feel annoyed when she was around.

"You're not the boss of me, you know!" Oh, but he was. Urie was the Squad Leader, after all, and a higher rank than Shirazu. "You wanna fight me right here, Urie?!" Yami took steps closer now, wanting to end Shirazu's challenge before it was accepted.

"Shirazu-kun! Remember!" Yami pleaded as she gripped his arm tightly. Her only hope was that her physical contact would bring him back down from his lividness. Unfortunately, she knew well that her size against his would get her nowhere— there was no forcing either of them to stop one they got started. "Rank 3 investigators who rampage with their Kagune will inevitably be—"

"Exterminated." Urie finished, making Yami's distraught eyes to snap to his. She wished she hadn't looked. His Kakugan was showing, the red as striking as the hue of blood and the black as terrifying as a crow's feather. Yami trusted all of the Quinx unconditionally. For that reason, she'd never feared any of their Kakugan or Kagune... until this moment when she realized that Urie was fully prepared to fight Shirazu with the ability they swore to only use against ghouls.

She felt as if she could faint with how rapidly her heart was beating. "Ur—Urie-kun..." This was the first time she had spoken directly to him since the night of the capture, yet he didn't even bother to tear his furious gaze away from Shirazu to her.

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