Chapter 1: The Weak

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Urie Kuki released his Kagune with ease, the extra appendage tearing the expensive shirt he wore in the process. His mind far from the fact that his encounter with a ghoul (who he thought to be Torso) was backing up traffic in the tunnel or that two of his Squad members had entered the scene. Shirazu was hurt almost immediately upon appearing with Katayama Yami. He had thrown his body in the way of this ghoul's attack to protect his female friend. Urie thought of it as foolish, but he did have time to scold Shirazu in the heat of this confrontation. The mix of his lone Kakugan and large Kagune confused this ghoul to no end. Say what you would, but Urie always felt a hint of satisfaction when seeing ghouls' reactions to his Quinx powers.

"A—Are you a ghoul?" The taxi driving ghoul gasped in utter horror. The mere thought of a ghoul working for the CCG clearly made him queasy, but that was the one and only thing Urie could relate to. The ghoul didn't even put up a fight as Urie's Kagune ripped through him, but a loud groan did escape his chapped lips. 

Urie, the Quinx Squad Leader, got close to the man's face, nose wrinkling as he smelled the foul scent of blood enter his nose. Ghoul blood always smelled disgusting; not only to Urie, but to the other squad members, as well. "I'm not a fucking ghoul. I'm a Quincke." He sneered, taking a step closer to the ghoul which, in turn, forced the artifical Kagune to dig further into his body. The sound of the skin tearing made Yami's spine chill. Kneeling beside the wounded Shirazu, she held her nose to lessen the smell of the man's tainted blood, trying to give herself some relief from the distasteful scene taking place. She really hated how violent Urie was acting.

To further remove herself from the gore, Yami turned her attention away from Urie and the unnamed ghoul, deciding to rather focus on the injured Shirazu. Strangely enough, she found his eyes open, smirk on his face, as he lay there in the street. "Does it hurt?" She inquired, moving her hand to touch the wound on his abdomen that was already closing.

I can't believe he jumped in front of me... She thought. Why would he do such a thing?

"Barely." He dismissed her worry with a laugh, though he did let out an exaggerated moan as he moved to sit up.

Yami was startled, placing firm hands on his shoulders. "Shi- Shirazu-kun!" She exclaimed, eyes wide and cheeks flushed with concern. Shirazu was secretly pleased seeing that stressed face fretting over him. Just an hour ago, that expression was made for Urie as she sat on the Chateau couch wondering where he was. He would have made a comment about it, but decided against embarrassing the girl for the night. "You don't have to move so fast! Urie-kun is getting him."

"Urie-kun got him." The said male corrected, causing the pair to whip their heads over to him. His Kagune retracted as he made his way over to the other two members. Stains of red were now splattered on his black dress shirt and Yami wondered if he would be able to wash it properly. Once close enough, Urie put a hand on his hip, looking down at the girl with a bored expression. "Why did you have to come here?"

Her face became even reddened with the diret question and a surprised noise left her lips as she searched for an answer in her mind. The truth is, we were worried about you— but he wouldn't like that answer. Urie would surely yell if she said that, say that he is capable of doing things by himself. "I... I—"

"I'm takin' credit for that one." Shirazu interrupted Yami's stuttering, completely ignoring Urie's question and deflecting the conversation onto himself. He didn't want to endure a reprimanding lecture from Urie just as much as Yami, but he would also rather the heat be brought upon him more than the timid girl.

Urie stood straight, clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes before he moved to fetch his jacket that had somehow made its way on the pavement. "You're joking, right?" He scuffed as he picked up the coat, swinging it over his right shoulder. It was too hot from the brief fight to be able to put it back on. "I was the one who killed this one." Urie wasn't too distraught by the orange-haired Squad member. He knew that he could prove that the person that found and took down this ghoul was no one but himself.

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