"The pain is gone, and the guilt. Every emotion is gone..."

Looking even more scared, Aragorn cupped his cheek.


"Let me go." Legolas snarled and pushed the man away. Aragorn stumbled over a root and hit his back against a tree. Startled, he leaned against it.

"Legolas what's up with you?"

"I feel nothing, and it's amazing." He smiled broader, not seeming to have a care in the world.

The vampire stepped in, and lay a arm around Legolas shoulder, like they were old buddies.

"Now, I think we should leave. Long night ahead..."

Legolas smiled and they were just gone, in the blink of an eye.

Aragorn sunk to the ground and rubbed his face. The tears finally broke free and he cried as silently as he could. He draw his knees up and looked out over the forest.

The cut on his stomach hurt, and it was still bleeding. Legolas has right when he said it needed stitches, but it could wait.

He finally confessed his love to Legolas, and it was returned. He finally had everything he wanted, and the next minute it was all taken away from him.

The sad, depressed grey eyes suddenly grew mad, and full of decision. He would not leave Legolas with that vampire. He knew Legolas didn't want to follow him, but couldn't see it. The compelling was messing with his head.

Rising from the ground, Aragorn began to run after where he saw Legolas back disappear. He would not leave him.

Legolas couldn't remember when he last felt so free. No guilt, and no pain. As he walked through the woods, he grew hungry. Without even blinking he caught a bunny to feed on much to the other vampire's liking.

They traveled until the sun began to rise, and took shelter in a small cave they found under ground. They jumped down a hole, and found themselves in a underground cave system.

Aragorn ran until the sun began to rise, and stopped for a minute to breath. He had been running for a few hours straight, and was so tired. He looked around himself for any signs of the vampires, but found none.
He didn't even think about what a risk he was taking. Legolas meant too much for him.

Arwén paced back and forth in her room, worried to death. Her husband hasn't returned all night, and he was still gone after the sun rose. She also knew Legolas was gone, she had heard his and Aragorn's whole conversation. It broke her heart, hearing her husband say 'I love you' to someone else. She knew he meant it, she could see Aragorn's gaze whenever Legolas was around, and she could also see Legolas gaze. But he was dangerous.

But maybe Legolas isn't as dangerous as the rest of them were a century ago? 
Shaking her head, she made up her mind. She hated Legolas, she was done defending him.

A guard knocked on her door, asking if she was okay. Finally she snapped. She wouldn't defend Legolas.

"You didn't kill Legolas. You need wood for that."

"We used wood." The guard argued. "The handle was in wood."

"No you need to drive wood through his heart. Guess you weren't around a century ago. Check his room!"

The guard frowned, but did as he was told. After a minute Arwén could hear startled screams, and ran out to calm them down.

"Who said this was over?" She asked, irritated and walked to stand in the middle of a crowd.

A guard stepped forward, and Arwén turned to him.

"Why did you think it was over?"

"I don't know.."

"Because he compelled you to say that!" Arwén said, like it was obvious.

Murmurs of agreement could be heard, and the Queen continued.

"I didn't wanted Legolas dead, but I changed my mind. He is dangerous."

Nods and murmurs could be heard.

"We'll trick him to come back, and I'll take him down. He doesn't suspect me." She said and swallowed hard, thinking about how she would kill her ex best friend.

"Carve me a stake, and I'll drive it through his heart."

Aragorn searched even after the sun rose, until he heard a chuckle behind him. Startled, he turned around to see Legolas leaning against a tree, protected by the crown.

"You never give up do you."

Aragorn took a deep breath. This was it. He ran forward and kissed Legolas hard, expecting a reaction.
He got one, but not the one he expected. He was roughly pushed away, and Legolas looked mad.

"When are you gonna get it? I don't care about you! Leave me alone!"

"No! There has to be a way I can bring back your emotions Legolas."

"There isn't, and I don't want you to! You need to leave before he compels me to kill you."

Hope sparkled in Aragorn.

"You care."

Legolas eyes darken, and he turned around.
"Leave." He snapped and jumped down in a hole in the ground.

Aragorn, taking a deep breath, jumped down after him.

Please review <3 ;3

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